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NMC Track of the Day for October 4, 2006: The Joel Plaskett Emergency "Maybe We Should Just Go Home" (Live @ See Vous Play)

Posted by Craig Norris on Oct 04, 2006 | 8 comments | » Post a Comment

Although it may seem like we're vicariously living through our (recent) past, I'd like to lob yet another gentle reminder of how fabulous See Vous Play was.

I can't speak for everyone at R3, but as I'm going through my work day, researching and planning my shows, sometimes I wonder if people are really digging what we're doing. It's not a deep, self-doubt kind of thing - more like a curiousity. Given the hundreds of emails that we receive on a weekly basis, I know that you're out there, but sometimes I think we need tangible, tactile proof.

That's what See Vous Play was for me. When it was time to put boots on the ground and capture that love inside the four walls of Kool Haus, you were there. Whether you were online, listening in on Sirius 94, or standing on the floor in the club, you showed up in spades. All four acts were unbelievable, with a dozen highlights, but Joel's eight-minute-version of "Maybe We Should Just Go Home" really stood out for me - especially the trippy part in the middle.

As I stood in the audience, watching fists pumping and voices singing along, with the smiling faces and the band in full swing, I had my proof.

Thanks for that everyone. And we'll see you soon, in Halifax.

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Comments Board

Je m'appele John, and I am Canadian!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

One of my favourite things as I have shared with LB was the fact that the CBC R3 hosts were up and bopping around as much as the rest of us were, which is great to see the people promoting the music as big, if not bigger, fans of the music. We may be an overly polite nation, but galdarnit we're passionate about good Canadian Rawk!

posted by tb3

Re: NMC Track of the Day for October 4, 2006: The Joel Plaskett Emergency "Maybe We Should Just Go Home" (Live @ See Vous Play)

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

He speaks the truth - galdarnit!

posted by LB

Re: NMC Track of the Day for October 4, 2006: The Joel Plaskett Emergency "Maybe We Should Just Go Home" (Live @ See Vous Play)

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

It's true, he does. But we could without the gutter-mouth.

posted by Craig Norris

Dang, guy!

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

Craig, dirty-bonics is the language of the upper-middle-class gentrified youth of today. I am sorry if it ruffles your feathers, but, gosh it's part of my core.

posted by tb3

Re: NMC Track of the Day for October 4, 2006: The Joel Plaskett Emergency "Maybe We Should Just Go Home" (Live @ See Vous Play)

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

Hey, hey hey. Watch out with the "g*sh"! Where I come from that means "diseased daddy parts".

Don't make me step in here and start erasing comments dagnabit.

posted by John

Too Much

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

You are too much to keep up with, I must resign to the urge and make you my home page.

posted by michael.tyas

Re: NMC Track of the Day for October 4, 2006: The Joel Plaskett Emergency "Maybe We Should Just Go Home" (Live @ See Vous Play)

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

Has anyone seen my cat?

posted by Sunshine Dick

Re: NMC Track of the Day for October 4, 2006: The Joel Plaskett Emergency "Maybe We Should Just Go Home" (Live @ See Vous Play)

Posted on Oct 04, 2006

The one that keeps pooping under our desks? No. At least I hope it's just your cat.

posted by John

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