News Fix: October 10th, 2006

Posted by John on Oct 10, 2006 | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

UN Security Council debates what action to take against North Korea. BBC

High schools in Halifax
are eliminating dances because administrators claim they're becoming booze-fueled grope-fests. CBC

Critics doubt forthcoming Tory green plan. Ottawa Citizen

Hydrogen fuel cells
might be a mistake for GM. Technology Review

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Green Plan!

Posted on Oct 10, 2006

Hey John

Along with being an addict of new Cdn music, I'm also buoyed by the fact that R3 has a social conscience, about climate change and environmental issues in particular.

WRT the "Made in Canada" plan, check out the new Environment Canada website - plundered after the Tory win. First, click on the clean air and clean water links for the comprehensive information. Then, click on the "climate change" link to see some tidy propaganda. Note that the message fails to acknowledges the existence of climate change! Under the former government, EC used to maintain extensive climate change pages. In Harper's rosy corporate world, climate change doesn't exist.

This mirrors some of the skepticism that abounds in the US government. James Inhofe, a notable skeptic in a power position (chairs the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works) delivers some interesting speeches:
You can watch him talk here.

Thanks as always for great music and blog content!

posted by bluenoser

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