News Fix: October 12th, 2006

Posted by John on Oct 12, 2006 | 2 comments | » Post a Comment

Tories will table legislation forcing repeat offenders to prove they no longer dangers to society. Globe and Mail

report covering 130 countries finds shocking levels of violence against children, which cuts across cultures, income and education levels. CBC

Gunmen raid Baghdad television station killing 11. BBC

Boingboing's Xeni Jardin spills the beans to George re Google's purchase of Youtube. The Hour

Amateur video
of Disney characters humping each other throws Eurodisney bosses into a tizzy. iol

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Comments Board

Re: News Fix: October 12th, 2006

Posted on Oct 14, 2006

the disney video isnt even that bad if ppl were fired over this or even punished that would be ridiculous

posted by kingbuzzo

Re: News Fix: October 12th, 2006

Posted on Oct 14, 2006

I'm still betting that those people are in trouble. There are super strict rules re being in costume... especially for Disney folk I would assume.

posted by John

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