News Fix: October 18th, 2006

Posted by John on Oct 18, 2006 | 3 comments | » Post a Comment

Researchers prepare a new HIV/AIDS vaccine for clinical trials at University of Western Ontario. Western News

Outspoken Conservative MP Garth Turner dooced for critical comments made on his blog. CBC

Recent poll places Tories and Liberals neck and neck, with each party expected to receive 32% of votes. Globe and Mail

U.S. President George Bush signs order to ensure United States will become dominant space power. Wired

Ouch. Collector pokes hole in Picasso's famed portrait of his mistress, Dream. The Age

"Anything's good when you deep fry it." The Charlotte Observer

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Comments Board

Re: News Fix: October 18th, 2006

Posted on Oct 18, 2006

Oh John, you are going to hear from the Mustang faithful here... it's University of Western Ontario or UWO.

But if you ask me it should be called "Ugg 'n iPod High School" :)

posted by tb3

Re: News Fix: October 18th, 2006

Posted on Oct 18, 2006

Hmmm. Looks like University of Western Ontario to me. Maybe you misread it? ;-)

posted by John

Smoke 'n Mirrors!!!!

Posted on Oct 19, 2006

I live a block from the campus, so when I saw your post, I walked over to make sure they hadn't shortened the name on the sign. But, they hadn't so I totally ran right home to the int0rw3b and got all correcty on yo azz!

Well played, John, well played.
You've won this round.

I am still trying to live down the MySapce typo. I got a 6 from the Botswani judge :(

posted by tb3

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