News Fix: October 5th, 2006

Posted by John on Oct 05, 2006 | 4 comments | » Post a Comment

FBI operating in Canada without approval. CBC

B.C residents smoking twice as much pot as they did a decade ago. Globe and Mail

US demands that U.N. Security Council respond to Sudan's warning that deployment of U.N. troops will be considered a hostile act. Reuters

Tory Environment Misister Rona Ambrose takes some heat over global warming. CBC

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Comments Board

Re: News Fix: October 5th, 2006

Posted on Oct 05, 2006

"B.C residents smoking twice as much pot as they did a decade ago"

I think you forgot the "C." at the start of that lead-in...

posted by tb3

Re: News Fix: October 5th, 2006

Posted on Oct 05, 2006

You know... I won't lie to you... it took me a few seconds to get it. What does that tell you?

posted by John

Re: News Fix: October 5th, 2006

Posted on Oct 05, 2006

Yer in the middle of a hazy need-munchies fog?

posted by tb3

Ganja Goo Ball

Posted on Oct 07, 2006

Who is this peckish tb3?

posted by TheRadioHead

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