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Peanuts & Corn Tour Kick Off

Posted by Birdapres on Oct 06, 2006
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(This is the first in a series of post from Birdapres touring with John Smith, and DJ Hunnicutt on their Peanuts & Corn Tour.)

So we kicked things off in Winnipeg, my new base of operations. The Royal Albert huh, Hunnicutt? We set up our merch and equipment, under the orange glow of the VLT's. The Albert is an old school punk rock venue, a grimy place with a good stage and a great staff. Nowhere better to begin, as far as I'm concerned.

Yy set things off nicely for the night (he always seems to open, I can't wait till his record drops so he can headline again). The audience was in good spirits and growing. John Smith unveiled some of the songs from "Growing Pains", and they went over really well. DJ Hunnicutt held it down with some double copy Gary Wright action, definitely a highlight for me. I'm a sucker for cue burned, marked up records getting flipped on stage.

So, I burned through a number of songs from "Get It Done" and "Nothing Is Cool". Usually what I do at this point (especially with some time till our next show), is gauge crowd response and look for weak points in the set. The people sang along to "We Need New Shoes" and "Blind" (mostly cause I made them do it, haha). Noted.

After the usual milling around out front, we bounced to an undisclosed location for a less than satisfactory meal. I'm not a late night food critic, so I won't name names, but my water tasted like Sprite. After much discussion of Quentin Tarantino and Justin Timberlake (what else are we gonna get into heated debates over?), we gave pounds and parted ways. I went to sleep thinking about the future and hotel sheets.

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