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"Please Celebrate Alexis Day With Us!

Posted by Lindsay Wood on Oct 20, 2006 | » Post a Comment

One year later...

On behalf of Alexis' family and myself I would like to write about what this time of year means for us. You'd think that after such a large chunk of time things would have become easier but right now it feels like everything just happened yesterday. The whole thing is surreal and Alexis' presence is so strong that it's hard to believe he didn't just go away on vacation for awhile.

We've declared this day a national holiday, which means we have a whole long weekend! We plan on using this time to reflect on Alexis and what he meant to us, to remember all the good times we had and also to talk to him because it doesn't hurt to vocalize how much you miss him.

I always thought he would hear every thought I sent to him and then his mother told me, Say it out loud! How is he going to hear you otherwise?! Good point -- moms always know best. So let Alexis know how you're feeling or how much you miss him and tell him hilarious stories, or play him music -- he'll hear you.

This time of year also gives us time to reflect on the love, kindness and generosity of everyone who helped and supported us and Alexis through all this. None of us could have made it without you. The outpouring of help and love from our friends, families, even people we had never met before was overwhelming and we are thankful to you all every single day.

None of us could have imagined the impact Alexis had on everyone around him. He always was too good to be true, an angel in our midst, and we all feel blessed to have known him for the time that we did.

So please celebrate Alexis Day with us, help us to keep his memory vibrant and alive! Celebrate the man who meant so much to us and always will.

We love you Alexis. We promise to stay strong.

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