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Remembering Alexis Mazurin – April 18, 1978 – October 20, 2005

Posted by John on Oct 20, 2006 | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

Today marks the one year anniversary since CBC Radio 3 host Alexis Mazurin died after suffering a massive heart attack while attending Burning Man two months earlier.

I didn't know Alexis all that well. I was still working at ZeD in those days, and our relationship consisted of nodding at each other when we passed in the halls, but news of his condition and subsequent death affected me deeply.

Everything went down during the CBC lockout late last summer, so it was already a very strange time for everyone here at CBC Vancouver, and I think affected everyone in some way whether they knew him or not.

Throughout the day we'll be posting entries from those close to him. He might be gone, but he certainly won't be forgotten.

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Re: Remembering Alexis Mazurin – April 18, 1978 – October 20, 2005

Posted on Oct 20, 2006

Yah know I never even knew the guy and I have come across two thoughts ever since hearing Grant talk on the podcast about Aliexis' & his far-too-soon exit, from this ride we call life, around this time last year.

Those thoughts are:
1) He seemed like just the 'good people' kind of person, that matter most to me. The kind of people that remind you why you are alive, and make you feel better doing so.

2) I really feel unlucky to have not known or experienced his friendship in the way the people here posting about him have. But in a way, I am, in so far as how he affected the people around him and made this a better place.

It may seem like second in the timeline of life that you had Alexis, but in the lifetimes, and lives and years of the people he affected in that short time, he created a ripple that will cascade through us beyond his physical time here.

As odd as this sounds, I feel part of that running through me.

posted by tb3

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