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See Vous Play It Again And Again...

Posted by Yuani Fragata on Oct 02, 2006 | 2 comments | » Post a Comment

After the drive back from Toronto I was looking forward to going home and collapsing in front of my TV. I thought if I was lucky GolTV would rerun a Manchester United or Arsenal game from yesterday. I'm so knackered I'd settle for a Newcastle match, but no! I get to the office, to drop off my record bag and laptop, only to find John's post on the Radio 3 site, saying he's eagerly anticipating my post… from last night. Aw man... thanks for making me feel bad. Here we go then...

Sunday night's See Vous Play wasn't just good music and good fun, it was a cross-cultural exchange and it's with great pride that I participated in the event.

The day started early for our technicians who got to the Koolhaus at 8am. The video crew from Montreal and the sound crew from Toronto busied themselves getting everything ready for the first sound checks at noon. Slowly the bands began arriving: Joel Plaskett first, then Les Trois Accords followed by Emily Haines' ten-piece orchestra and finally Montreal's indomitable Breastfeeders.

By late afternoon the CBC Radio 3 and Bande À Part hosts you already know started trickling in. Lauren Burrows and Alexandre Courteau, whose chemistry as a duo is amazing after all those weeks touring and hosting together last winter, hosted the event from a small stage in the middle of the crowd. The sharply-dressed Grant Lawrence and "toujours belle" Natalie Poirier presented the bands onstage, while madness was the responsibility of François Lemay and Craig Norris, who spent their time cavorting with the musicians backstage. After meeting Norris for the second time I can officially state that he's one of the craziest dudes I met in my life. That's a compliment Craig!

By 7pm we go on air, with yours truly spinning a 100% Canadian set for our audience watching on the internet, listening over the airwaves or digging it in the room. From here on it it's sort of a blur: I remember the Breastfeeders tearing everything down like a wild tornado; Emily Haines hypnotizing everyone with her soft, delicate music; Les Trois Accords delighting fans – who knew there were so many of them in Toronto!?! – who sang along through the whole set and Joel Plaskett, certainly the crowd favorite, whipping out the hits to finish the evening in beauty.

Already last night, after everything had settled down and we were hanging out backstage, I was remarking how wonderful it was for me to have worked with my English Radio 3 and French Bande À Part colleagues at the same time. Somewhat surreal, yet so comfortable.

You see, for a person who grew up speaking both French and English daily, See Vous Play is reality. I live my life bilingually, switching from one language to the other and back again constantly. It's how my brain works. It's how I think!

To experience an event where the hosts are doing just that and the music acts and the technical crews as well, is what I always believed Canada to be all about, and seeing our two music scenes united was a joy for me. Judging by the reaction the crowd had to our bands from Quebec maybe I'm not alone feeling that way, and that's pretty cool!

Hey bosses! Can we do this again next year?

Check out the sets:

Les Breastfeeders

Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton

Les Trois Accords

The Joel Plaskett Emergency

And check out our collections of pictures:

Small selection

Whole thing


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Comments Board

see vous play rocked

Posted on Oct 02, 2006

what can i say...the see vous play concert last night rocked the KoolHaus. it brought a full feeliing of patriotism to my heart knowing that our beautiful country of Canada can produce such quality!
i've been to a few concerts in my day, and that had to have been one of the best. good tunes, small venue, good times all around.
thank you grant lawrence for bringing radio3 into my life. i live a fuller life because of it! cheers

posted by jenf

Downloadable See Vous Play?

Posted on Oct 03, 2006

Any chance we can get a downloadable See Vous Play bootleg? Podcast or what not? I like the CBC Sessions online but would love to have something I can keep, burn, put on my ipod, etc.!

Think about it! Its a good idea.

posted by jharman

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