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The London Apartments - new video!

Posted by MAK on Oct 06, 2006
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I don't want to jinx Justin Langlois' career, but it seems the good news for his project, The London Apartments, just won't cease. First, he created a beautifully ambient album, "Logistics & Navigation" just hoping someone would hear it, like us, and then the fine people in the UK at Beggar's Banquet pick it up and decide to release it on CD and vinyl, last month.

As if that weren't enough to excite any musician, Justin and his friend, Danielle, produced, directed, filmed, and edited his first video for the single "Summer Takes All My Time" on a budget of about $45 dollars! And, to prove to all the nay-sayers, including myself, who feel that certain music video channels won't air any video that was made for less than 20 grand, Justin is very happy to announce that you will see his new video TONIGHT on the Wedge! I'll be watching. Now, here is the new single in audio format...

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