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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Disasters and Tragedies > The Early Years of the AIDS Crisis

The Early Years of the AIDS Crisis

In the early 1980s doctors began noticing rare cancers and infections striking otherwise healthy young gay men. Something was destroying their immune systems — something fatal and possibly contagious. At first it was called the 'gay plague.' Then others began dying: Haitians, intravenous drug users, hemophiliacs and heterosexuals. Fear, confusion and prejudice reigned as the disease eventually known as AIDS grew from a mystery to an epidemic.

This topic contains discussion of a sexual nature. The medical information in the clips was accurate at the time of broadcast, but may have changed.

Educational activities about
The Early Years of the AIDS Crisis

Outbreak of rare cancer baffles doctors

An epidemic of AIDS, an epidemic of fear

The politics of plague

 Outbreak of rare cancer baffles doctors

Why are so many gay men in urban centres getting a rare cancer that normally only afflicts old men? (Radio; runs 5:31)

 An epidemic of AIDS, an epidemic of fear

AIDS spreads rapidly across the globe and so do fear and discrimination. (Radio; runs 19:19)

 The politics of plague

Is AIDS God's punishment for homosexual promiscuity? Rev. Jerry Falwell thinks so. (TV; runs 14:02)

Researchers desperately seek the cause of AIDS

Are AIDS victims a danger to society?

Canadian Red Cross begins testing blood donations for HIV

 Researchers desperately seek the cause of AIDS

In research labs around the world, doctors search for the virus they suspect causes AIDS. (TV; runs 4:52)

 Are AIDS victims a danger to society?

From an auditorium in Toronto, AIDS activists, experts and parents argue over how to balance the public's "right to know" with the rights of AIDS victims. (TV; runs 29:45)

 Canadian Red Cross begins testing blood donations for HIV

Starting tomorrow, every drop of donated blood will be tested for HIV. But that's too late for those already infected. (TV; runs 3:11)

Selling 'safe sex'

'This program may shock you; and save your life'

Living and dying with AIDS

 Selling 'safe sex'

Before AIDS, nobody said the word "condom" on television. (TV; runs 11:04)

 'This program may shock you; and save your life'

Quirks & Quarks presents a hard-hitting look at the fact and fiction of AIDS. (Radio; runs 50:22)

 Living and dying with AIDS

Paul Simmons died of AIDS this week. He left behind a moving documentary of the final six months of his life. (Radio; runs 34:32)

AIDS and gay rights

 AIDS and gay rights

The AIDS crisis has given rise to both intolerance and a new focus for human rights. (TV; runs 2:46)


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