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Home > Life and Society > Butting Out: The Slow Death of Smoking in Canada

Butting Out: The Slow Death of Smoking in Canada

Not too long ago, Canadians could smoke virtually anywhere they pleased: at work, in theatres, restaurants and even hospitals. Smoking rates peaked in the early 1960s, when nearly half of all adults puffed away. But as evidence of the health hazards of cigarettes piled up, high taxes, graphic warnings and restrictions on smoking have helped make smoking unacceptable. CBC Archives traces the decline of smoking in Canada.

Canadian tobacco makes a fine cigarette

Smoking kills, says U.S. Surgeon General

'Life itself is a hazard'

 Canadian tobacco makes a fine cigarette

A tobacco expert talks about varieties of the tobacco plant and says the habit can be hard to break. (Radio; runs 6:59)

 Smoking kills, says U.S. Surgeon General

A landmark report links cigarette smoking to higher lung-cancer death rates. (Radio; runs 13:15)

 'Life itself is a hazard'

Tobacco company executives respond to claims that cigarettes are dangerous to health. (TV; runs 6:34)

Do cigarette ads cause smoking?

Trouble in tobacco country

Kicking the habit

 Do cigarette ads cause smoking?

A former ad-man says governments should discourage smoking by prohibiting cigarette advertising. (TV; runs 8:09)

 Trouble in tobacco country

Disturbed by attacks on their industry, Ontario tobacco farmers try growing varieties lower in tar. (TV; runs 2:49)

 Kicking the habit

As more smokers quit, cities introduce smoking bylaws and non-smokers get their own sections in airplanes and restaurants. (TV; runs 10:05)

The myth of the 'light' cigarette

A new danger: second-hand smoke

On the way to a smoke-free Canada

 The myth of the 'light' cigarette

Smokers are increasingly turning to "light" cigarettes, even though they're just as dangerous. (TV; runs 6:18)

 A new danger: second-hand smoke

There are over 3,800 toxic compounds in a burning cigarette – and even non-smokers suffer the effects. (TV; runs 5:04)

 On the way to a smoke-free Canada

The federal government introduces a tough new set of restrictions on workplace smoking and tobacco advertising. (TV; runs 3:17)

Artists protest loss of funding

Smuggled smokes flood the market

'Cigarettes cause cancer'

 Artists protest loss of funding

Could Canadian stages go dark under a new law that deprives cultural groups of tobacco sponsorship money? (Radio; runs 7:19)

 Smuggled smokes flood the market

Tired of high tobacco taxes, smokers snap up illegal cut-rate cigarettes from across the U.S. border. (TV; runs 17:13)

 'Cigarettes cause cancer'

Every package of smokes will soon feature hard-to-ignore warnings about the risks of smoking. (TV; runs 2:17)

Court victory for Big Tobacco

B.C. sues tobacco companies

 Court victory for Big Tobacco

The Supreme Court rules that government restrictions against cigarette advertising are unconstitutional. (TV; runs 4:44)

 B.C. sues tobacco companies

British Columbia tries to recover health-care dollars by going after cigarette manufacturers. (TV; runs 7:51)


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