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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Conflict and War > Canada's Secret War: Vietnam

Canada's Secret War: Vietnam

Vietnam may have been America's war but Canada was heavily involved — for and against. Canada harboured American draft dodgers and helped supervise ceasefires. But at the same time, about 30,000 Canadians volunteered to fight in southeast Asia. And there was Canada's involvement in secret missions, weapons testing and arms production. CBC Archives looks at Canada's role in the Vietnam War.

Strengthening the peace

Canadian hawks fly south

American doves fly north

 Strengthening the peace

Canada agrees to help supervise the ceasefire in Indochina. (TV; runs 2:13)

 Canadian hawks fly south

A Toronto man tries to recruit a volunteer unit of Canadians to join the U.S. forces in Vietnam. (Radio; runs 2:42)

 American doves fly north

A group of professors sets up a halfway house for American deserters. (Radio; runs 5:13)

Camped out for peace

War's end

Canadian aspects of the Pentagon Papers

 Camped out for peace

An antiwar protester camped near Parliament Hill finds that Prime Minister Trudeau only has time to discuss peace with celebrities. (TV; runs 4:28)

 War's end

The war is over and Canada is called in to help supervise Vietnam's transition to peace. (TV; runs 7:17)

 Canadian aspects of the Pentagon Papers

The release of the Pentagon Papers reveals details about Canada's role in Vietnam. (Radio; runs 5:11)

Supplying the war machine

So long, Saigon

Agent Orange

 Supplying the war machine

A surprising list of items Canada supplied to the United States for use in Vietnam. (Radio; runs 9:30)

 So long, Saigon

The Canadian pullout from Saigon is criticized as 'a furtive operation with a certain amount of deceit.' (TV; runs 4:41)

 Agent Orange

Two MPs challenge Ottawa's denial of U.S.-sponsored chemical testing in New Brunswick. (TV; runs 3:46)

Vets fight for benefits

 Vets fight for benefits

Canadian Vietnam veterans fight for the support they were told they would receive. (TV; runs 5:30)


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