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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Conflict and War > Love and War: Canadian War Brides

Love and War: Canadian War Brides

Surrounded by falling bombs, strict rationing and nightly blackouts, a generation of young women found love. They were the war brides: British and European women who married Canadian servicemen in the Second World War. After tearful goodbyes to their families, they embarked on a grueling journey by ship and train to join their husbands and in-laws in a new country. Once they arrived, many war brides had to confront culture shock and desperate homesickness before embracing their new lives in Canada.

In love with a soldier

Welcome to the Canadian Wives' Bureau

'A way to a new life'

 In love with a soldier

Air raid sirens are the soundtrack to romance as young British women fall in love and marry Canadian servicemen. (Radio; runs 8:19)

 Welcome to the Canadian Wives' Bureau

A London office organizes the war brides' journeys to Canada and educates them on life in their adopted country. (Radio; runs 2:24)

 'A way to a new life'

Wives and children of "Johnny Canuck" begin their journey by train to British ports. (TV; runs 1:20)

To Canada in style

Escort officers smooth the journey

Meeting the in-laws

 To Canada in style

A former luxury liner is converted to transport a backlog of brides across the ocean. (Radio; runs 5:37)

 Escort officers smooth the journey

A Red Cross volunteer remembers her experiences helping war brides on the long trip by ship and train. (Radio; runs 3:28)

 Meeting the in-laws

A war bride train stops in Toronto's Union Station, where families are waiting to greet the new arrivals. (Radio; runs 3:17)

Getting settled – finally

Not always a happy ending

A visit from Mum

 Getting settled – finally

After two years in Canada, a war bride has learned much about life in her new country. (Radio; runs 4:02)

 Not always a happy ending

War brides remember homesickness, hardship and depression after coming to Canada. (Radio; runs 6:58)

 A visit from Mum

A group of war brides' mothers travels from Liverpool to see how their daughters are faring in Canada. (Radio; runs 2:50)

Together again, 40 years later

Across the pond once more

'Homesick, seasick and lovesick'

 Together again, 40 years later

War brides who went from Piccadilly to the prairie reunite in Brandon, Man. (TV; runs 2:21)

 Across the pond once more

After living through the Blitz, Albertan war brides travelling to the UK in the 1980s are unfazed by threats of terrorism. (TV; runs 2:51)

 'Homesick, seasick and lovesick'

At an opening ceremony for Halifax's Pier 21, war brides gather to reminisce at the place they first set foot in Canada. (TV; runs 1:56)


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