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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Conflict and War > On Every Front: Canadian Women in the Second World War

On Every Front: Canadian Women in the Second World War

Canadian women were not allowed to fight during the Second World War but they did just about everything else. Tens of thousands joined the women's divisions of the Armed Forces. Hundreds of thousands stepped into jobs in wartime industry. At home and abroad they were welders and pilots, nurses and clerks, the homemakers that kept families together, protecting the home front and the Canadian way of life. These are some of their stories.

Educational activities about
On Every Front: Canadian Women in the Second World War

Queen asks Canadian women to help war effort

'I'm the proudest girl in the world!'

Homemaking during wartime

 Queen asks Canadian women to help war effort

As war breaks out, Queen Elizabeth, consort of King George VI, speaks to Canadian women about the roles they must play. (Radio; runs 5:54)

 'I'm the proudest girl in the world!'

For the first time, women are recruited for Canada's Armed Forces. (TV; runs 5:04)

 Homemaking during wartime

A radio briefing for women on "stress-fighting foods," preparing rhubarb without sugar, and canning during a tin shortage. (Radio; runs 6:44)

Canada's own 'Rosie'

The women who serve that men may fly

Women in England: 'gaining respect, proving their worth'

 Canada's own 'Rosie'

Rose Young is one of many women who sign up for work in Canada's factories and foundries. (TV; runs 3:18)

 The women who serve that men may fly

The story of an early Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division recruit – Canada's first servicewomen. (Radio; runs 11:18)

 Women in England: 'gaining respect, proving their worth'

From repairing tanks to driving ambulances, English women prove they can do any job. (Radio; runs 10:30)

Canadian women serving overseas

Nurses face danger and death

'Ten men for every girl'

 Canadian women serving overseas

Canadian women serving as Wrens, CWACs, WDs and Nursing Sisters make the most of rough conditions. (Radio; runs 4:23)

 Nurses face danger and death

A Nursing Sister recalls the grim sights of murdered civilians and so many young men dying. (TV; runs 3:44)

 'Ten men for every girl'

Women in Halifax fend off drunken sailors and marriage proposals. (Radio; runs 4:35)

Spitfires in the rhododendrons

What is 'women's work'?

 Spitfires in the rhododendrons

Canadian women fly warplanes for the Air Transport Auxiliary. (TV; runs 6:13)

 What is 'women's work'?

As the war winds down, women begin a new fight to keep their jobs. (Radio; runs 12:40)


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