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Home > Politics and Economy > Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution

Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution

It was a hard-fought coming of age for Canada. From the 1960s through the early 1980s, Canadian politicians argued fiercely at the constitutional bargaining table over the balance of provincial and federal power. In the end, Canada gained a Charter of Rights and Freedoms and a homemade Constitution. But it would not be without its costs as the question of Quebec's status in Canada loomed larger than ever.
For a history from Confederation to the Fulton-Favreau agreement, please consult "Canada's Constitutional Debate: What Makes a Nation."

Educational activities about
Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution

Constitutional showdown

The Victoria Formula

A Time for Action

 Constitutional showdown

Pierre Trudeau and Daniel Johnson face off at the 1968 federal-provincial conference. (TV; runs 13:16)

 The Victoria Formula

Robert Bourassa's government rejects the Victoria Formula and brings constitutional talks to a stalemate. (Radio; runs 10:50)

 A Time for Action

Prime Minister Trudeau vows to bring the Constitution home on his own terms. (TV; runs 10:35)

The 1980 Quebec Referendum

The Chrétien-Romanow Show

The Gang of Eight

 The 1980 Quebec Referendum

"We have all lost a little in this referendum," says a concerned Prime Minister Trudeau. (TV; runs 3:18)

 The Chrétien-Romanow Show

"It's a hard business saving Canada," says Saskatchewan's attorney general Roy Romanow. (Radio; runs 10:25)

 The Gang of Eight

Eight premiers band together and offer the federalists a compromise. (TV; runs 3:59)

An uncertain victory

The Kitchen Accord

Constitutional Shortcomings

 An uncertain victory

All sides claim victory when the Supreme Court rules on unilateral patriation. (Radio; runs 15:46)

 The Kitchen Accord

After three days and three nights of negotiating, a backroom deal is struck – without Quebec. (TV; runs 27:56)

 Constitutional Shortcomings

Problems persist with the Constitution Act: "Quebec stands alone" and a pesky notwithstanding clause weakens the Charter. (TV; runs 5:19)

Proclamation of the Constitution

Amending the Constitution

The Constitution and Charter re-evaluated

 Proclamation of the Constitution

"The constitution of Canada has finally come home," announces Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. (TV; runs 20:20)

 Amending the Constitution

Canada addresses and enshrines the issue of Aboriginal rights. (TV; runs 5:36)

 The Constitution and Charter re-evaluated

Canada celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Constitution and the Charter. (TV; runs 1:55)


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