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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Politics and Economy > Friendly Rivalries: Manitoba Elections, 1966-1999

Friendly Rivalries: Manitoba Elections, 1966-1999

From Tory blue to NDP orange and back again, with scarcely a red Liberal in sight – that's been the alternating pattern in Manitoba elections since the 1950s. Manitobans seem to prefer stability in their governments but punish a government when it overstays its welcome. Both parties have gotten the boot for stoking the public's ire: the NDP for boosting auto insurance rates in 1988 and the Tories in 1999 for a vote-rigging scheme. From Hudson Bay to the Red River, CBC Archives goes to the polls.

A 'sunshine budget' for a soggy season

Ed Schreyer: socialist or social democrat?

NDP wins again in '73

 A 'sunshine budget' for a soggy season

Amid fears that the Red River may overflow its banks, Premier Duff Roblin hints at a spring election in 1966. (TV; runs 3:24)

 Ed Schreyer: socialist or social democrat?

Ed Schreyer and the NDP hope to break through in the province's rural ridings to capture the 1969 election. (TV; runs 1:31)

 NDP wins again in '73

The heaviest voter turnout ever brings a "decisive mandate" for Premier Ed Schreyer's second term. (Radio; runs 7:57)

Socialism vs. capitalism

Megaprojects for Manitobans

The map tells the story

 Socialism vs. capitalism

In the "passionate and polarized" 1977 election, two political philosophies are pitted against one another. (TV; runs 5:56)

 Megaprojects for Manitobans

The Progressive Conservatives promise more jobs from large-scale industrial development in the 1981 campaign. (TV; runs 8:11)

 The map tells the story

A distinct line divides the province between Tory blue and NDP orange. (TV; runs 13:04)

Defeat from within

Voice of the Liberals

On the campaign trail with 'Team Filmon'

 Defeat from within

The NDP government loses a confidence motion when one of its own members votes against the budget. (TV; runs 3:01)

 Voice of the Liberals

Sharon Carstairs leads her party from the political wilderness to an incredible 20 seats in the 1988 election. (TV; runs 10:00)

 On the campaign trail with 'Team Filmon'

For Progressive Conservative candidates in the 1995 election, the emphasis is on the person, not the party. (Radio; runs 3:15)

Campaigning, northern style

Vote-rigging scandal emerges

Doer does it

 Campaigning, northern style

With 9,500 votes spread out over 28 remote communities, drumming up support in Rupertsland is no easy task. (TV; runs 7:17)

 Vote-rigging scandal emerges

A judicial inquiry finds that high-ranking Tories attempted to influence the outcome of the 1995 election. (TV; runs 2:36)

 Doer does it

He vowed to quit if he didn't win, but NDP leader Gary Doer is staying put in the legislature – this time as premier. (TV; runs 4:08)


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