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Home > Politics and Economy > Has Confederation Been Good for Newfoundland?

Has Confederation Been Good for Newfoundland?

Joey Smallwood said it was the narrowest of escapes. Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1949 by a referendum of 52 to 48 per cent. Smallwood, a small but tough man with horn-rimmed glasses, fought stellar orator and anti-Confederate Peter Cashin. Many benefits came with joining Canada; a university, better highways. But average income still hovers near the poverty line. Today, a commission investigates whether Canada broke its 1949 funding promise.

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Has Confederation Been Good for Newfoundland?

Giving up self-government

PM King considers Confederation

Newfoundland enters Confederation

 Giving up self-government

Newfoundland reverts to colonial status under Great Britain during the Great Depression. (TV; runs 1:50)

 PM King considers Confederation

Mackenzie King welcomes members of a National Convention of Newfoundlanders who are "no strangers to Canada." (Radio; runs 7:42)

 Newfoundland enters Confederation

Newfoundland Confederates and anti-Confederates are divided on union day. (Radio; runs 2:36)

Smallwood on Term 29

More roads, less isolation

'The school boat'

 Smallwood on Term 29

The father of Confederation says Canada hasn’t fulfilled its funding promise 10 years since the union. (Radio; runs 6:54)

 More roads, less isolation

Newfoundland has become "incomparably" more prosperous 20 years since Confederation. (Radio; runs 3:29)

 'The school boat'

Since Confederation, children have a much easier time getting to school by bus. (TV; runs 2:36)

A personal campaign for Joey?

Smallwood, the ghost

Sewage in the streets

 A personal campaign for Joey?

Peter Gzowski insists Confederation was a personal campaign for Joey Smallwood. (Radio; runs 5:50)

 Smallwood, the ghost

The former premier does not necessarily represent the views of Newfoundlanders. (Radio; runs 3:20)

 Sewage in the streets

One Newfoundland community lived without a proper waste system for 15 years. (TV; runs 4:22)

Commission evaluating Confederation

 Commission evaluating Confederation

A Royal Commission takes a look at the future of Newfoundland and Labrador. (TV; runs 2:52)


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