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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > People > The 'Other Revolution': Louis Robichaud's New Brunswick

The 'Other Revolution': Louis Robichaud's New Brunswick

They called him a man of destiny, and indeed he was. Louis Robichaud was born to a large Acadian family and educated in a one-room schoolhouse. Dedicated to his province, he had lifelong ambitions to improve the lot of Acadians and New Brunswickers alike. On June 27, 1960, he became the province's first-elected Acadian premier and for a decade he pushed for progress like no other before him.

Educational activities about
The 'Other Revolution': Louis Robichaud's New Brunswick

Expulsion and exile

Growing up Acadian

Louis Robichaud: man of destiny

 Expulsion and exile

In 1755, Acadians living on Canada's East Coast are forced to leave. (TV; runs 2:58)

 Growing up Acadian

Author Antonine Maillet recalls her childhood in New Brunswick in the 1930s and 1940s. (Radio; runs 15:36)

 Louis Robichaud: man of destiny

In an upset victory, Louis Robichaud becomes Canada's first elected Acadian premier. (Radio; runs 4:44)


The 'other revolution'

'We must move! We must act!'


Industrialist K.C. Irving and Louis Robichaud are interviewed about the renewed industrial prosperity in the province. (TV; runs 17:54)

 The 'other revolution'

The Byrne Report suggests sweeping provincial changes which some say will create a "quiet revolution" on Canada's East Coast. (Radio; runs 14:46)

 'We must move! We must act!'

Louis Robichaud promotes his plan for equal opportunity. (Radio; runs 9:48)

'Robbing Peter to pay Pierre'

Becoming bilingual

Isolated French

 'Robbing Peter to pay Pierre'

Robichaud's critics sound off on the Program of Equal Opportunity. (TV; runs 22:13)

 Becoming bilingual

New Brunswick succeeds and then struggles with its official bilingual status. (TV; runs 3:16)

 Isolated French

New Brunswick succeeds and then struggles with its official bilingual status. (TV; runs 1:37)

Cajun cousins

End of an era

The Robichaud generation

 Cajun cousins

Canadian Acadians reach out to their American counterparts. (TV; runs 4:13)

 End of an era

The Robichaud government is defeated. (TV; runs 2:10)

 The Robichaud generation

Educated and bilingual, a new group of Acadians seek to lead their community. (TV; runs 12:58)

The Robichaud government: a retrospective

 The Robichaud government: a retrospective

"Had we not had Louis, had we not had the 1960s, I don't know where we would be today. We would probably be anglicized, marginalized, hunting for a soul." (Radio; runs 27:41)


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