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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > People > Trudeaumania: A Swinger for Prime Minister

Trudeaumania: A Swinger for Prime Minister

In 1968, a swinger ran for prime minister. Canadians had never before seen anyone like Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the House of Commons. He brought youthfulness and a promise of change. He also brought a Mercedes-Benz. Women and men were mesmerized by him. But Trudeau’s appeal extended beyond Parliament. He became a political pop star, attracting admirers whose dedication rivaled that of Beatles fans. Canada called it Trudeaumania, a phenomenon that lasted until his marriage in 1971.

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Trudeaumania: A Swinger for Prime Minister

Crowd mobs Trudeau

Trudeaumania on Parliament Hill

A swinger for prime minister

 Crowd mobs Trudeau

At an Ontario Liberal Party press conference, a crowd of 500 clusters around Justice Minister Trudeau. (TV; runs 2:42)

 Trudeaumania on Parliament Hill

A group of swooning women, men, children and reporters hoping to meet the new prime minister wait outside Parliament. (TV; runs 1:26)

 A swinger for prime minister

Crowds of children take the day off school to watch Prime Minister Trudeau's campaign speech for the federal election. (Radio; runs 1:40)


Pressing Pierre

Peace on Parliament Hill


Not everyone was swept up in Trudeaumania. Although Trudeau had won the election, New Democratic Party leader Tommy Douglas called the win unfair. (Radio; runs 4:10)

 Pressing Pierre

Never in the history of Canadian politics has the world press covered a prime minister's personal life as much as Trudeau's. (TV; runs 2:05)

 Peace on Parliament Hill

Peace reigns on Parliament Hill as musicians John Lennon and Yoko Ono visit with Prime Minister Trudeau. (Radio; runs 1:53)

A Trudeau cheer

Marriage is 'groovy'

'Trudeaumaniacs' look back

 A Trudeau cheer

As part of his election campaign, Prime Minister Trudeau tours southwestern Ontario in a helicopter. (TV; runs 1:44)

 Marriage is 'groovy'

The Trudeaumania bubble bursts as the eligible bachelor announces his secret marriage to Margaret Sinclair, a woman 30 years younger than him. (TV; runs 2:26)

 'Trudeaumaniacs' look back

In 1968, Florene Moskovitz put on her white beret and headed off to Parliament Hill hoping to meet Prime Minister Trudeau. Twenty-five years later, she looks back. (TV; runs 4:36)

Trudeau on Trudeaumania

 Trudeau on Trudeaumania

After retiring as prime minister, Trudeau grants very few interviews and leads a reclusive existence. In one rare interview, he talks about the Trudeaumania days. (TV; runs 2:14)


See also
1960s a GoGo
For more groovy 60s clips, visit the topic "1960s a GoGo"

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