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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Science and Technology > Endangered Species in Canada

Endangered Species in Canada

The Labrador duck is long gone and the wild Vancouver Island marmot is struggling to bounce back, but the whooping crane, the swift fox and the bison are actually making comebacks. With more than 30 species already gone and over 400 species of plants and animals at risk, Canada is starting to get serious about protecting its endangered species. Let's hope it's not too late.

Educational activities about
Endangered Species in Canada

The way of the Dodo

Skinks are sexy too

Rare bears

 The way of the Dodo

Will we ever learn the lesson of the extinct bird? (Radio; runs 7:50)

 Skinks are sexy too

Skinks, salamanders and slugs are low on the list of species with sex appeal, but need to be protected just the same. (TV; runs 6:32)

 Rare bears

Bear populations in Canada may become threatened by poachers who supply a lucrative international black market. (TV; runs 2:10)

Noah meets Old MacDonald

A fine balance

Industry vs. spotted owl

 Noah meets Old MacDonald

A modern-day Noah works to prevent rare farm animals from disappearing. (Radio; runs 2:48)

 A fine balance

Balancing the fate of a species and the social and economic implications of saving it. (Radio; runs 2:29)

 Industry vs. spotted owl

Loggers and conservationists fight over coveted old growth forest. (TV; runs 2:10)

Cooked species

Ghosts of the Maritime woods

Caribou comeback

 Cooked species

A campaign tries to shame the Chrétien government for its poor record on endangered species legislation. (TV; runs 1:42)

 Ghosts of the Maritime woods

Wildlife experts are on the trail of the mysterious eastern cougar. Did it really exist? (TV; runs 5:30)

 Caribou comeback

In a story of hunters and highways, one of the most exploited caribou herds in North America makes a remarkable recovery. (Radio; runs 16:45)

Get out the dirty laundry

The Nature Audit

 Get out the dirty laundry

Guardians of the marmot use dirty laundry to mark their territory and discourage predators. (Radio; runs 6:10)

 The Nature Audit

An audit of Canada's "natural capital" reports that we may be squandering our resources for future generations. (TV; runs 2:07)


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