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Home > Science and Technology > Marc Garneau: Canadian Space Pioneer

Marc Garneau: Canadian Space Pioneer

His bravery is inspiring, his grace is charming and his credentials are out of this world. In 1984 Marc Garneau became the first Canadian to fly on a NASA mission to space. During his 15 years as an astronaut, Garneau flew three times and made countless contributions to the Canadian space program, eventually becoming its president. On the ground or in the air, Garneau has been a passionate educator and trailblazer for space exploration.

Educational activities about
Marc Garneau: Canadian Space Pioneer

Astronauts Wanted

Marc Garneau, Astronaut

Blast Off!

 Astronauts Wanted

Four thousand applied. One will be chosen. (TV; runs 7:58)

 Marc Garneau, Astronaut

How does it feel to be Canada's first astronaut? Marc Garneau shares his excitement shortly after finding out. (TV; runs 5:52)

 Blast Off!

The day has finally arrived. With his family and friends gathered, Garneau makes a spectacular departure. (TV; runs 3:12)

Live from space

Canadian Hero

Astronauts in mourning

 Live from space

Between giggling, making jokes and doing somersaults, the astronauts give a press conference from space. (TV; runs 2:02)

 Canadian Hero

What was it like? Garneau connects with some inquiring Canadian minds for a phone-in show. (Radio; runs 36:42)

 Astronauts in mourning

In 1986, manned space travel suffers a tragic blow with the Challenger shuttle disaster. (TV; runs 2:04)

Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute

Happily back in the Heavens

Building the future

 Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute

Garneau offers lots of encouraging advice to would-be astronauts at the high school just named in his honour. (TV; runs 2:09)

 Happily back in the Heavens

Twelve years after his first flight, Garneau is aloft again. (TV; runs 2:09)

 Building the future

Garneau gears up to help build the International Space Station. (Radio; runs 10:54)

The final mission

Twenty years later

 The final mission

A busy mission. First, solar wings for the space station, then floating in for a visit with its inhabitants. (TV; runs 2:53)

 Twenty years later

The first Canadian to travel in space reflects back on his trip. (Radio; runs 22:13)


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