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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Science and Technology > Asbestos: Magic mineral or deadly dust?

Asbestos: Magic mineral or deadly dust?

The needle-like fibres seemed like nature's perfect gift. Fireproof, indestructible and cheap, from the 1940s to the 1970s, asbestos was everywhere. It was woven into clothes, used to insulate buildings and even mixed with water as children's play dough. That was before studies linked asbestos dust with cancer and lung disease. Authorities now say asbestos, when handled properly, poses little risk. But nagging concerns, highlighted by the plight of the asbestos miners, have resulted in a shrivelling industry.

Educational activities about
Asbestos: Magic mineral or deadly dust?

The magic mineral

The most dangerous town in Canada

Canada's longest health-related strike

 The magic mineral

Asbestos hailed as a symbol of Canada's natural wealth. (Radio; runs 3:25)

 The most dangerous town in Canada

"Almost as if they're committing a genocide." (Radio; runs 27:14)

 Canada's longest health-related strike

Newfoundland miners fight to protect their families from deadly asbestos dust. (Radio; runs 17:55)

Cleaning up its act

Asbestos takes its toll

U.S. to ban asbestos

 Cleaning up its act

The asbestos industry tries to change public opinion. (TV; runs 6:11)

 Asbestos takes its toll

Grieving widows recall the suffering caused by asbestos. (TV; runs 4:07)

 U.S. to ban asbestos

Canada fails to block the partial U.S. ban on asbestos despite heavy lobbying. (TV; runs 2:09)

Angry about asbestos

The town of Cassiar for sale

The asbestos debate takes off again

 Angry about asbestos

Panicked parents demand immediate removal of asbestos in schools. (Radio; runs 3:12)

 The town of Cassiar for sale

The once-prosperous B.C. asbestos mining town goes on the auction block. (TV; runs 2:11)

 The asbestos debate takes off again

Scientists remain divided on the hazards of asbestos. (TV; runs 2:35)


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