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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Science and Technology > Fighting Female Infertility

Fighting Female Infertility

For many couples it’s their worst nightmare. Years of trying and still, no baby. Forty per cent of the time, the problem lies with the woman. Adoption was once the only option. Nowadays there are fertility drugs, in vitro fertilization, and surrogate mothers. But with these modern-day solutions come new moral conundrums and questions: How far are we willing to go to fight female infertility?

Educational activities about
Fighting Female Infertility

Test tube baby experiments

The world’s first test tube baby

Fighting for in vitro fertilization in Canada

 Test tube baby experiments

An Italian scientist answers ethical questions about his test tube baby experiment. (TV; runs 1:21)

 The world’s first test tube baby

Phone-in callers react with joy and concern to the birth of the world’s first test tube baby. (Radio; runs 10:08)

 Fighting for in vitro fertilization in Canada

After the birth of Louise Brown, an infertile couple argues with medical experts and theologians about their right to in vitro fertilization. (TV; runs 10:32)

Surrogacy: Renting out the womb

Just say "No!" to surrogacy

Canada's very own test tube baby

 Surrogacy: Renting out the womb

Infertile couples have another option: paying a stranger to bear them a child. (Radio; runs 11:11)

 Just say

Surrogate motherhood is against human nature, argues Phyllis Creighton of the Task Force on Human Life. (TV; runs 2:19)

 Canada's very own test tube baby

The first all-Canadian test tube baby is born in Vancouver, weighing two pounds and two ounces. (TV; runs 2:38)

Hopes and tears: undergoing IVF

Sisters: Giving the gift of motherhood

In vitro clinics: Probing the corruption

 Hopes and tears: undergoing IVF

One woman’s experience undergoing the emotionally draining, painful and potentially dangerous process of in vitro fertilization. (Radio; runs 8:09)

 Sisters: Giving the gift of motherhood

A woman speaks before the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies, describing how she gave birth to her sister’s baby. (Radio; runs 6:15)

 In vitro clinics: Probing the corruption

CBC’s Marketplace routs out corruption in Canada’s in vitro fertilization clinics. (TV; runs 13:06)

The Royal Commission reports

Reproduction: Still unregulated

 The Royal Commission reports

The Chair of the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies defends the commission’s final recommendations. (TV; runs 12:41)

 Reproduction: Still unregulated

Lori Hickling traded her eggs in return for in vitro treatment. Legislation banning so-called "egg sharing" is expected this year. (TV; runs 3:18)


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