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Home > Science and Technology > Clearcutting and Logging: The War of the Woods

Clearcutting and Logging: The War of the Woods

Vancouver's Clayoquot Sound. Manitoba's boreal forests. The Central Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. These picturesque locales have served as the battlegrounds over the controversy of clearcutting — the logging practice that strips a forest bare by cutting every single tree down. On one side are the environmentalists. On the other, logging companies. In the middle are native people. The fate of Canada's old-growth forests and the forestry industry as a whole rests in the balance in the 'war of the woods.'

Educational activities about
Clearcutting and Logging: The War of the Woods

Conserving Canada's natural resources

Crisis in Canadian forestry

The replanting of a nation

 Conserving Canada's natural resources

CBC Radio takes listeners behind the scenes at a tree farm operation in Quebec. (Radio; runs 27:16)

 Crisis in Canadian forestry

An in-depth look at the disastrous state of Canada's biggest industry. (Radio; runs 23:43)

 The replanting of a nation

The Journal looks at the growing need for reforestation in Canada. (TV; runs 15:00)

How will the deer and brook trout survive?

'You do not treat Mother Earth this way'

A little place called Clayoquot Sound

 How will the deer and brook trout survive?

Clearcutting in northern New Brunswick leaves wildlife activists and outdoorsmen outraged. (TV; runs 22:59)

 'You do not treat Mother Earth this way'

David Suzuki lends his support to the fight against clearcutting in Saskatchewan. (TV; runs 1:48)

 A little place called Clayoquot Sound

Logging of ancient, old-growth forests on picturesque Vancouver Island draws global attention. (Radio; runs 7:33)

The war in the Clayoquot woods is over

Eco-war waged in Newfoundland

Providing jobs versus proper forest management

 The war in the Clayoquot woods is over

The B.C. government accepts the recommendations of an environmental report that ends all clearcutting in Clayoquot Sound. (TV; runs 2:14)

 Eco-war waged in Newfoundland

There are only a few forests left on Newfoundland's Central Avalon Peninsula. The government wants most of the area clearcut but others want it preserved as a wilderness. (TV; runs 8:33)

 Providing jobs versus proper forest management

A look at clearcutting practices in the boreal forests of Manitoba. (TV; runs 9:30)

The fight over 'Spirit Bear'

A unique turn of events in Clayoquot Sound

A new era of 'good wood'

 The fight over 'Spirit Bear'

The deep woods of British Columbia once again become a battleground as protestors and environmentalists try to stop the clearcutting of the Great Bear rainforest. (TV; runs 2:23)

 A unique turn of events in Clayoquot Sound

Environmentalists and the forestry industry are on the same side for once as a native controlled logging company starts selective harvesting of old-growth trees in Clayoquot Sound. (TV; runs 2:32)

 A new era of 'good wood'

Forest certification and the stringent standards of the Forest Stewardship Council bring about major changes to the Canadian forestry industry. (TV; runs 10:51)


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