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Home > Life and Society > Marshall McLuhan, the Man and his Message

Marshall McLuhan, the Man and his Message

He was a man of idioms and idiosyncrasies, deeply intelligent and a soothsayer. He had prescient knowledge of the Internet. Although educated in literature, Marshall McLuhan was known as a pop philosopher because his theories applied to mini-skirts and the twist. For his ability to keep up with the cutting edge, one colleague called him "The Runner." Critics said he destroyed literary values. Today, McLuhan’s ideas are new again, applied to the electronic media that he predicted.

Educational activities about
Marshall McLuhan, the Man and his Message

Growing up at the McLuhans'

World is a global village

McLuhan predicts 'world connectivity'

 Growing up at the McLuhans'

Marshall's younger brother Maurice reminisces about childhood in Edmonton. (Radio; runs 1:47)

 World is a global village

Television has transformed the world into an interconnected tribe McLuhan calls a "global village". (TV; runs 8:44)

 McLuhan predicts 'world connectivity'

One day, people will learn via an electronic circuitry system, McLuhan says. (TV; runs 3:25)

A pop philosopher

McLuhan for the masses

The destroyer of civilization

 A pop philosopher

Communications expert Marshall McLuhan theorizes on "hot" and "cool" media. (Radio; runs 5:26)

 McLuhan for the masses

The professor publishes his theories in condensed form under the punning title The Medium is the Massage. (Radio; runs 8:00)

 The destroyer of civilization

Is Marshall McLuhan contributing to literature's demise? (Radio; runs 1:33)

Gzowski interviews McLuhan

It's cool not to shave

Homage to The Runner

 Gzowski interviews McLuhan

Did the eminent professor really fail grade six? (TV; runs 6:59)

 It's cool not to shave

McLuhan suggests there's a subconscious reason Pierre Elliott Trudeau has grown a beard. (Radio; runs 2:11)

 Homage to The Runner

Marshall McLuhan, the media theorist who was always "on the move," has died of a stroke. (Radio; runs 4:09)

Understanding McLuhan, finally

 Understanding McLuhan, finally

In a 1995 news report, a new medium called "the Internet" sounds a lot like the electronic circuitry system Marshall McLuhan predicted in the 1960s. (TV; runs 1:33)


Topic from Les Archives de Radio-Canada on the same subject
See also
1960s a GoGo
For more groovy 60s clips, visit the topic "1960s a GoGo"

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