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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Life and Society > The Birth Control Pill

The Birth Control Pill

One tablet, once a day: that routine is followed by as many as 80 million women worldwide to prevent pregnancy. The birth control pill, simply known as the pill, was the first drug to be approved for healthy women. When it first came on the Canadian market in the 1960s, feminists hailed it as a medical breakthrough while the Pope condemned its use as immoral. The pill would be one of the most significant developments of the 20th century.

Educational activities about
The Birth Control Pill

The magic pill

Praising the pill

The pill meant women could

 The magic pill

Dr. John Rock, co-developer of the 'revolutionary' birth control pill on what the tablet can do. (TV; runs 2:46)

 Praising the pill

The miracle tablet is hailed as the remedy for everything from the population explosion to strained marriages. (Radio; runs 7:29)

 The pill meant women could

Birth control pill spurs changing sexual attitudes among Canadians. (TV; runs 2:09)

Looking back

The pill sparks religious furor

Legalizing contraceptives

 Looking back

A nod to some early pioneers of the birth control movement in Canada. (TV; runs 16:06)

 The pill sparks religious furor

The Pope's condemnation of the pill lead to a crisis in the Catholic Church. (TV; runs 11:09)

 Legalizing contraceptives

The law finally catches up with the times. (TV; runs 14:59)

The pill turns 25

The pill 40 years later

 The pill turns 25

Examining the little tablet's monumental impact. (TV; runs 2:14)

 The pill 40 years later

The pill keeps chugging along. (TV; runs 2:39)


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