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Home > For Teachers > Hydroelectricity: The Power of Water

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  • Hydroelectricity: The Power of Water
    Sixty percent of Canada’s power comes from the rushing of Canada’s lakes and rivers: hydroelectricity. It’s renewable and emissions-free, but flooding of dams has sometimes taken a toll on Aboriginal communities and ways of life. In these activities, students will locate Canada’s hydroelectric plants and create a fact sheet about one plant, develop arguments for and against the construction of hydroelectric power plants, investigate, map, and create fact sheets showing the impact of hydroelectric power plants on river flow and landscape, plan a model tidal-energy plant, and research and compare hydroelectric power to other sources of energy.
    CBC Archives Topic: Hydroelectricity: The Power of Water
    Exploring the topic in class:

    All Grades
    Comparing Different Methods of Generating Electricity
    To explore viable alternatives to hydroelectric power
    Subject: Science
    Introductory Activity
    All Grades
    Locating Hydroelectric Power in Canada
    To learn where and how hydroelectric power is generated in Canada
    Subject: Geography, Science
    Grades 6-8
    Pros and Cons of Hydroelectric Power
    To research and discuss the benefits and disadvantages of hydroelectric facilities
    Subject: Geography, Science, Social Studies
    Grades 9-10
    River Flow and Power Plants
    To learn about the environmental impact of hydroelectric facilities
    Subject: Geography
    Grades 11-12
    Tidal Power Model
    To compare conventional hydroelectric technology with tidal power technology
    Subject: Science


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