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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Science and Technology > Genetically Modified Food: A Growing Debate

Genetically Modified Food: A Growing Debate

Since the introduction of the first genetically modified food, the "Flavr Savr" tomato in 1994, "GM" products can now be found in thousands of foods, from bagels to butter tarts to soy milk. While the biotech industry points to the safety and benefits of genetic modifications, environmentalists are quick to denounce it as potentially harmful "frankenfood." And that has left the consumer caught in the middle of this emotionally charged debate.

Educational activities about
Genetically Modified Food: A Growing Debate

The 'Flavr Savr' tomato

Food fight

Is GM corn killing monarch butterflies?

 The 'Flavr Savr' tomato

The first genetically modified produce hits supermarket shelves. (Radio; runs 4:02)

 Food fight

Canadians debate the risks and benefits of genetically modified food. (TV; runs 7:23)

 Is GM corn killing monarch butterflies?

A new study suggests Bt corn could be deadly to monarch caterpillars. (TV; runs 2:40)

Is regulation of GM food up to snuff?

The perfect bowl of rice?

Identifying genetically modified products

 Is regulation of GM food up to snuff?

The country's top scientists weigh in on the safety of GM food. (Radio; runs 9:19)

 The perfect bowl of rice?

The biotech industry puts its best food forward with "golden rice." (Radio; runs 16:38)

 Identifying genetically modified products

Canada's leading consumer group says mandatory labelling of GM food is unnecessary. (TV; runs 9:25)

Duelling over GM wheat

Real life David vs. Goliath

 Duelling over GM wheat

Canada's single largest crop is caught in a biotech battleground. (TV; runs 17:59)

 Real life David vs. Goliath

Biotech giant Monsanto takes on Saskatoon farmer Percy Schmeiser and wins. (Radio; runs 2:55)


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