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Home > Science and Technology > David Suzuki: Scientist, Activist, Broadcaster

David Suzuki: Scientist, Activist, Broadcaster

For over three decades, David Suzuki has been Canada's foremost environmental conscience. From his experiments with fruit flies to his warnings about genetically modified food, Suzuki has made science relevant, interesting and full of wonder to his audiences. As a broadcaster for the CBC, he has issued frank warnings against industry, the economy and his fellow scientists. Passionate and outspoken, he has also won his fair share of critics. But despite, or perhaps because of this, Suzuki remains undeterred in his message.

Educational activities about
David Suzuki: Scientist, Activist, Broadcaster

'We are all fruit flies'

"Be a good dancer and a good speaker"


 'We are all fruit flies'

Professor David Suzuki talks with his students about the danger and the wonder of science. (TV; runs 5:53)

Over and over again, Suzuki rehearses in the basement with his father to prepare himself for the public. (Radio; runs 1:51)


As he becomes more famous, Suzuki talks about his motives for making science accessible. (TV; runs 10:38)

Stages in a Life

The Rushton-Suzuki debate

It's not easy being green

 Stages in a Life

David Suzuki evaluates his failures and successes in his autobiography. (TV; runs 7:39)

 The Rushton-Suzuki debate

In an emotional debate, Suzuki and professor Philipe Rushton argue about race, science and superior races. (TV; runs 1:51)

 It's not easy being green

David Suzuki is criticized for being overly passionate and imbalanced in his views. (TV; runs 3:15)

'Science's sexy poster boy'

David Suzuki, my new best friend

 'Science's sexy poster boy'

David Suzuki raises eyebrows with a bold and risqué promotional advertisement. (TV; runs 8:17)

 David Suzuki, my new best friend

Midday's Jordan Kawchuk and David Suzuki spend the day palling around together. (TV; runs 4:06)


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