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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

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A reel of recording wire.
A reel of recording wire. [Click photo to enlarge.]

Over the years, the CBC has relied on many different technological formats to produce, play and preserve its audio and video programming. Though some may seem quaint, or utterly archaic, today, it's worth remembering that all were state-of-the-art in their time. It's also easier to appreciate the sounds and pictures coming out of the archives today if you know a little bit about how these different formats worked and how they evolved.

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The 1930s and '40s: Wire
Before there were tape recorders, there were wire recorders. As with tape, the key to the technology was magnetization - if the wire was magnetized, you could record on it. Field correspondents used portable versions in World War Two. Their repair kits included extra wire, grips and a soldering iron.

Acetate discs.
Some early acetate discs were 16 inches in diameter. There are now few turntables large enough to accommodate them. [Click photo to enlarge.]

The 1950s and '60s: Acetate discs
In the archives' early years, the CBC recorded radio sound on 16-inch acetate transcription discs. Made of glass, metal or even paper with a thin layer of acetate fixed to the surface, these discs were used until 1966. They look similar to commercial vinyl records except they were larger, thicker and heavier. Recordings were made by carving a groove in the acetate with a needle; a tiny vacuum was mounted on the end of needle arm to remove the acetate residue. Very durable, discs were usually recorded at one of two speeds - 33- or 78-rpms - and could be engraved either from the outside in or the inside out (a small icon on the disc indicates which direction was used).

Boxes of acetate audio tape.
There are numerous varieties and brands of ¼-inch tape and so there are various ways of transferring them to a digital format. [Click photo to enlarge.]

The 1960s: Acetate tape
Acetate tape was first introduced for recording in the 1950s. The archives only started using it for storage and copying in 1966. While it produced a fine sound, it did not age well. Over time, acetate tape curls, shrinks and loses mass. Because it does not readily stretch or deform (a bonus) it tends to break easily (a drawback).

The 1970s: Polyester tape
The Archives switched to the more durable polyester tape in the 1970s. Home users may remember the 1/4-inch reel-to-reel tape that was popular before cassettes. In terms of composition, polyester tape was very similar to the tape still in use today. While the sound quality is excellent, polyester tape deforms easily, so users must be careful not to stretch it. Also, a lot of polyester tape made between 1975 and 1985 caused later problems for archivists because it began to shed a sticky residue which damaged both tapes and equipment when played. Gentle heating in the so-called "easy bake" oven before playing often corrects this problem.

Digital recording formats.
DAT (Digital Audio Tape) was the first digital format used by the Radio Archives for storage. Its regular use has now been superseded by the use of the CD for CD-ROM or CDA recording. [Click photo to enlarge.]

The 1980s to present: Digital formats
The Archives entered the digital age with the move to Digital Audio Tape (DAT) for audio storage in 1988. In 1999, CDs took their place and remain the medium of choice today.






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