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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > People > Al Purdy, An Uncommon Poet

Al Purdy, An Uncommon Poet

During the first forty-odd years of his life, Al Purdy wrote a lot of bad poetry. Where others would have quit, Purdy persevered until he found his own distinctive voice. And what he said startled people. His unconventional works poeticized barroom brawls, hockey players and homemade beer. Al Purdy's work forced Canadians to re-evaluate their understanding of poetry and themselves. CBC Archives looks back on the long career of one Canada's most beloved poets.

Photograph courtesy of D'Arcy Glionna.

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Al Purdy, An Uncommon Poet

Introducing Al Purdy

Quitting his day job

Those horrible beautiful trees

 Introducing Al Purdy

At age 48, poet Al Purdy breaks through the literary ranks. (Radio; runs 11:09)

 Quitting his day job

Poetry pays a pittance but Al Purdy manages to get by. (Radio; runs 4:08)

 Those horrible beautiful trees

Al Purdy's new project is a labour of begrudging love. (Radio; runs 8:32)

At the Quinte Hotel

'Concerning Ms. Atwood'

Why Purdy deserves the Nobel Prize

 At the Quinte Hotel

A dramatization of Purdy's "sensitive man" poem. (TV; runs 4:23)

 'Concerning Ms. Atwood'

Purdy pokes fun at a formidable CanLit icon. (Radio; runs 2:22)

 Why Purdy deserves the Nobel Prize

Poet Dennis Lee makes the case for Purdy. (Radio; runs 11:55)

The grand old man of Canadian poetry

Remembering Al

A life in letters

 The grand old man of Canadian poetry

Friends, family and associates describe the formidable grand old man of Canadian poetry. (Radio; runs 21:44)

 Remembering Al

At the age of 81, Purdy succumbs to cancer. (TV; runs 15:02)

 A life in letters

Purdy's correspondence with politicians, poets and personal heroes is published after his death. (Radio; runs 17:13)


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