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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > People > Barbara Frum: Pioneering Broadcaster

Barbara Frum: Pioneering Broadcaster

The sudden death of Barbara Frum on March 26, 1992 shocked Canadians. The loss of one of the country's most respected broadcasters at the age of 54 reverberated across living rooms of the nation. The courage and tenacity she showed in her very private 18 year battle with leukemia was reflected in her tough, pioneering interview style on CBC Radio's As it Happens and later on CBC Television's The Journal. Whether she was talking to Nelson Mandela, Harold Ballard or the grower of the world's biggest cabbage, Frum's unrelenting curiosity, her fearless search for the truth, and her empathy and humour made her one of Canada's most important broadcasters.

Educational activities about
Barbara Frum: Pioneering Broadcaster

Early Frum: A shaky start

Lone woman among men

Revolutionizing radio

 Early Frum: A shaky start

Barbara Frum debates art with Valley of the Dolls author Jacqueline Susann. (TV; runs 7:57)

 Lone woman among men

Frum debates the merits of TV journalism with six of her male co-hosts on The Way It Is. (TV; runs 1:35)

 Revolutionizing radio

Barbara Frum hits the airwaves as a co-host for CBC Radio's As It Happens. (Radio; runs 15:29)

'I am a man!'

'Goddamn cabbage!'

Canada's favourite BROAD-caster

 'I am a man!'

Frum's unforgettable interview with Sandra Good of the Manson gang. (Radio; runs 8:38)

 'Goddamn cabbage!'

Barbara Frum's hilarious attempt to interview the grower of the world's biggest cabbage. (Radio; runs 3:30)

 Canada's favourite BROAD-caster

Frum's legendary clash with the irascible sexist Harold Ballard. (Radio; runs 3:31)

The Journal: Episode One

Britain's Iron Lady

Ben Johnson's doctor on trial

 The Journal: Episode One

An ambitious new prime-time current affairs television program debuts with two women anchors. (TV; runs 6:29)

 Britain's Iron Lady

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher lives up to her reputation in a combative interview with the CBC's Barbara Frum. (TV; runs 16:14)

 Ben Johnson's doctor on trial

Frum is unrelenting as she grills Dr. Jamie Astaphan after Johnson's doping scandal. (TV; runs 24:33)

In South Africa with Nelson Mandela

The last word

Frum's death shocks the nation

 In South Africa with Nelson Mandela

Frum describes meeting the South African leader as the most moving moment in her career. (TV; runs 13:28)

 The last word

A frail Frum is taken to the hospital following her interview with author Mordecai Richler. (TV; runs 13:31)

 Frum's death shocks the nation

Friends mourn the loss of an incredible journalist and a loyal friend on CBC Radio's Morningside. (Radio; runs 29:43)

A daughter remembers

 A daughter remembers

Linda Frum pays tribute to the many sides of her extraordinary mother in a new memoir. (TV; runs 16:25)


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