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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > People > Politics, Sex and Gerda Munsinger

Politics, Sex and Gerda Munsinger

If Lucien Cardin had kept his mouth shut on March 4, 1966, the sensational political sex scandal may have never surfaced. But, fuelled by taunts, the Liberal minister implied that a German playgirl and alleged KGB spy had relationships with top ministers in Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's government. In the frenzied atmosphere of the Cold War, Cardin's allegations sent the country into a tizzy, sparking the first political sex scandal in Canadian history.

'What about Munsignor?'

Munsinger found in Munich

Pierre Sévigny lashes out

 'What about Munsignor?'

With those three little words, Canada's first political sex scandal explodes. (Radio; runs 2:35)

 Munsinger found in Munich

Toronto Star reporter tracks down the blond bombshell. (TV; runs 7:16)

 Pierre Sévigny lashes out

Former defence minister Sévigny condemns Liberal minister Lucien Cardin in a press conference. (TV; runs 3:26)

Munsinger refuses all interviews

Munsinger speaks!

Judicial inquiry ordered into the Munsinger affair

 Munsinger refuses all interviews

Despite the media frenzy, Munsinger remains silent. (TV; runs 1:32)

 Munsinger speaks!

CBC reporter Norman DePoe nabs an exclusive television interview with Munsinger. (TV; runs 29:20)

 Judicial inquiry ordered into the Munsinger affair

Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson names Supreme Court Justice Spence to head the inquiry. (TV; runs 1:36)

Hot off the press

Munsinger responds to the Spence Report

Sévigny attacks TV crew

 Hot off the press

Justice Spence releases his report (no audio). (TV; runs 1:56)

 Munsinger responds to the Spence Report

Munsinger rejects the findings in the report, saying she was never a security risk. (TV; runs 5:14)

 Sévigny attacks TV crew

When asked to respond to the report, Sévigny attacks television crew with his cane. (Radio; runs 3:21)

Sévigny looks back

Munsinger remembers with Barbara Frum

Life after the affair

 Sévigny looks back

Seven years later Sévigny continues to dismiss the Munsinger scandal as absurd. (Radio; runs 4:48)

 Munsinger remembers with Barbara Frum

Munsinger returns to Canada almost 10 years after the scandal. (TV; runs 18:02)

 Life after the affair

Munsinger lives the rest of her life in relative obscurity. (TV; runs 4:35)


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