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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Science and Technology > Influenza: Battling The Last Great Virus  > Additional Clips about

A dress rehearsal for the next pandemic

Medium: Radio
Program: Quirks & Quarks
Broadcast Date : April 5, 2003
Host: Bob McDonald
Guest(s): Danuta Skowronski
Duration: 5:48

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Influenza: Battling The Last Great Virus




Topic from Les Archives de Radio-Canada on the same subject
External sites

The CBC assumes no responsibility for the content of external links.

Misdiagnosis of the Asian flu
Doctors initially misjudge what would become the next big influenza pandemic.

June 25, 1957 - 12:06 

Bracing for the Hong Kong flu
Reports from across North America about the impact of the 1968 pandemic.

Dec. 16, 1968 - 3:24 

Asimov on influenza
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov explains the astral origins of the flu to David Suzuki.

Feb. 25, 1976 - 3:21 

Gambling with the public's health
Americans react warily about reports that the Swine flu vaccine may pack some deadly side effects.

Oct. 25, 1976 - 3:47 

Swine flu fallout
How a lawsuit against the U.S. government became the biggest public claim in history.

Nov. 19, 1978 - 2:50 

How the influenza virus works
Explaining the science of the flu.

Feb. 21, 1983 - 3:21 

Astrological influences on the flu
A scientist looks at the link between the time of the year and one's susceptibility to the flu.

Sept. 29, 1984 - 6:14 

Carbolic acid and goose grease
A survivor of the Spanish flu recalls some of the home remedies used to battle the deadly virus.

Jan. 7, 1996 - 2:22 

Looking to the past for a flu vaccine for the future
Scientists study DNA from 1918 pandemic victims for a vaccine against the next killer flu.

Nov. 24, 1996 - 6:46 

Cold comfort
An examination of the booming market in cold and flu drugs.

Feb. 14, 1997 - 3:30 

A dress rehearsal for the next pandemic
What SARS has taught us about preparing for the next big flu pandemic.

April 5, 2003 - 5:48 

Sensationalism v. science
Health experts argue that the concern over Avian influenza may be more hype than substance.

Feb. 3, 2004 - 10:17 

The social chaos of the Spanish flu
How the 1918 pandemic threatened the very structure of Canadian society.

June 23, 2005 - 3:51 

A new study suggests being cold can lead to colds
British scientists support the folklore of bundling up as an effective way to prevent colds.

Nov. 14, 2005 - 6:00 

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