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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Disasters and Tragedies > Extreme Weather > The Ocean Ranger Disaster

The Ocean Ranger Disaster

Valentine's Day, 1982: a terrible storm rages off the coast of Newfoundland. On the Grand Banks, the Ocean Ranger, the world's mightiest drilling rig, is pounded by waves more than 20 metres high. At the height of the storm, the "indestructible" rig begins to tip over, then capsizes. All 84 men on board — 56 of them from Newfoundland — perish. It is Canada's worst tragedy at sea since the Second World War.

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The Ocean Ranger Disaster

The storm

Disaster strikes the Ocean Ranger

The Ocean Ranger is lost

 The storm

A brutal winter storm closes in on Newfoundland's Grand Banks, threatening oil rigs and ships in the area. (TV; runs 2:20)

 Disaster strikes the Ocean Ranger

As the storm rages, something goes terribly wrong aboard the Ocean Ranger. (Radio; runs 3:59)

 The Ocean Ranger is lost

The mighty Ocean Ranger has sunk, and desperate attempts are made to find the 84 men onboard. (TV; runs 7:20)

Newfoundland reels from the Ocean Ranger disaster

Investigating the Ocean Ranger disaster

Royal commission report blames equipment and training

 Newfoundland reels from the Ocean Ranger disaster

As bodies are brought back to St. John's, families and friends seeks solace at memorial services across the province. (TV; runs 4:04)

 Investigating the Ocean Ranger disaster

A Canadian royal commission and a U.S. inquiry look into why the rig sank and why nobody survived. (Radio; runs 16:15)

 Royal commission report blames equipment and training

The Royal Commission on the Ocean Ranger Marine Disaster releases its findings, and says the disaster could have been prevented. (TV; runs 2:04)

Could it happen again?

 Could it happen again?

A lot has changed in the nearly two decades since the Ocean Ranger sank, but not enough to rule out another oil rig disaster. (Radio; runs 9:24)


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