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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Conflict and War > Shadows of Hiroshima

Shadows of Hiroshima

With a blinding flash and a sky-high fireball, the world's first atomic bomb exploded over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945. The American bomb killed about 70,000 Japanese instantly, and an equal number would soon die of radiation poisoning. The weapon saved American soldiers' lives and ended the Second World War, but it ushered in a new era of nuclear arms. CBC Archives looks at the atomic bomb, its impact on Hiroshima and its legacy.

Canadian Navy prepares for Far East combat

An explosion called 'Trinity'

'A tremendous new force'

 Canadian Navy prepares for Far East combat

After successful Atlantic warfare, frigates posted to Canada's west coast are ready to take on targets in the Pacific. (TV; runs 1:51)

 An explosion called 'Trinity'

In the New Mexico desert, scientists test a new weapon of war: the atomic bomb. (Radio; runs 5:30)

 'A tremendous new force'

Uranium, neutrons, plutonium: a CBC reporter learns the science of atomic power. (Radio; runs 5:25)

United States drops atomic bomb

'Like a ghost out of hell'

The Hiroshima Maidens

 United States drops atomic bomb

U.S. President Truman announces that the first atomic bomb has been dropped on a "military base" called Hiroshima. (Radio; runs 1:12)

 'Like a ghost out of hell'

A Hiroshima survivor describes the "purplish flash" of the bomb and his escape from a pile of rubble. (Radio; runs 6:12)

 The Hiroshima Maidens

Disfigured by the atomic blast, a group of young women travels to America for reconstructive surgery. (Radio; runs 7:54)

Still feeling the fallout

Was it right?

Hiroshima remembered

 Still feeling the fallout

An "atomic hospital" in Hiroshima treats patients for leukemia, anemia and radiation burns. (TV; runs 8:01)

 Was it right?

Did the American decision to drop the bomb really save 500,000 lives? (TV; runs 4:46)

 Hiroshima remembered

Peace activists paint sidewalk shadows and hold vigils as a reminder of the horrors of nuclear war. (TV; runs 2:00)

A push for peace

 A push for peace

Almost 60 years after the bomb, the mayor of Hiroshima lobbies for the abolition of nuclear weapons. (Radio; runs 12:44)


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