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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Conflict and War > Peacekeepers and Peacemakers: Canada's Diplomatic Contribution

Peacekeepers and Peacemakers: Canada's Diplomatic Contribution

Canada has enjoyed a reputation for diplomacy ever since Lester B. Pearson came up with a novel solution – peacekeepers – for the Suez Crisis in 1956. We've also been recognized for our involvement in human rights issues, nuclear disarmament, and the International Criminal Court. But have our efforts made for a more peaceful world, or is the image of the "good diplomat" a convenient holdover from the days when Canada actually made a difference?

Educational activities about
Peacekeepers and Peacemakers: Canada's Diplomatic Contribution

Canadian drafts human rights declaration

Pearson’s Suez solution

Canada elected to UN Security Council

 Canadian drafts human rights declaration

A half-century later, a Canadian diplomat is remembered for his contribution to the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (Radio; runs 27:16)

 Pearson’s Suez solution

Canada's minister of external affairs makes a proposal to solve the Suez Crisis – one that will win him the Nobel Peace Prize. (Radio; runs 7:49)

 Canada elected to UN Security Council

Charles Lynch interviews Howard Green, Canada's minister of external affairs, about Canada's agenda as a newly elected member of the UN Security Council. (TV; runs 10:00)

Diplomacy or complicity?

Good peacekeeping or good PR?

Trudeau's push for Cold War peace

 Diplomacy or complicity?

Canadian diplomat Blair Seaborn looks back at a mission he undertook on behalf of the U.S. before the war in Vietnam. (Radio; runs 4:06)

 Good peacekeeping or good PR?

Four experts on Canadian diplomacy talk about whether Canada deserves its reputation as peacekeeper. (TV; runs 13:28)

 Trudeau's push for Cold War peace

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau visits Washington with a peace initiative, but few think he'll make much progress. (TV; runs 22:19)

A lesson in landmines

Canada and the International Criminal Court

The Canadian compromise on Iraq

 A lesson in landmines

Ottawa students negotiate a mock minefield as an international conference on landmines gets under way. (Radio; runs 1:51)

 Canada and the International Criminal Court

Canada plays a large role in the creation of a global court that will try governments, guerrilla groups and others for war crimes. (TV; runs 2:31)

 The Canadian compromise on Iraq

Amid deadlines and resolutions leading to a new war in Iraq, Canada comes forward with a proposal. (TV; runs 3:42)


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