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Home > Science and Technology > What's Eating Canada's Trees?

What's Eating Canada's Trees?

It begins as a tiny stowaway on a crate from Europe or Asia, a relocated piece of firewood, or just a mild winter. Within decades, millions of hectares of Canada's woodlands have been laid waste because of it. Armies of tiny insects have stripped city boulevards of stately elms and ruined billions of dollars worth of softwood. Since the 1950s, science has fought these invading waves of caterpillars and beetles using everything from DDT to pheromones and bacteria. But victory seems no closer in the fight to save Canada's trees.

Budworm City

Poison mists

Seeking alternatives to pesticides

 Budworm City

A fleet of spray planes wages war on "the mightiest mites in the Maritimes." (TV; runs 8:51)

 Poison mists

For 25 years New Brunswick has drenched its forests in toxic spray. It's not just the budworms that are dying. (Radio; runs 11:49)

 Seeking alternatives to pesticides

Researchers at two Canadian universities are hot on the trail of biological budworm controls. (TV; runs 10:26)

Ottawa's elms are crashing down

The man who cured the elm

Look out for the looper

 Ottawa's elms are crashing down

In the shadow of Parliament Hill, stately elms fall victim to Dutch elm disease. (TV; runs 6:07)

 The man who cured the elm

A Toronto researcher who recently saw his first elm may have a cure for Dutch elm disease. (TV; runs 8:52)

 Look out for the looper

The hemlock looper: goofy name, voracious appetite. (TV; runs 2:20)

Trouble at Point Pleasant

B.C. infestation rages out of control

An old enemy returns

 Trouble at Point Pleasant

The tiny brown spruce longhorn beetle has shut down one of Halifax's largest parks. (TV; runs 2:07)

 B.C. infestation rages out of control

An explosion of mountain pine beetles threatens millions of trees in the B.C. interior. (Radio; runs 8:00)

 An old enemy returns

For decades, Winnipeg kept Dutch elm disease at bay. Now it's making a comeback. (TV; runs 2:05)

Canada's least wanted

 Canada's least wanted

The Asian longhorn beetle and emerald ash borer join the list of unwelcome guests dining on Canada's trees. (TV; runs 3:27)


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