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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Science and Technology > For Good Measure: Canada Converts to Metric

For Good Measure: Canada Converts to Metric

Depending on your perspective, it was either a sensible scientific shift, an annoying unnecessary change or a sinister communist plot. Canada's decision to go metric in 1970 definitely sparked some passionate debates. It even drove some Canadians to civil disobedience. CBC Archives explores the history of Canada's gradual and sometimes shaky transition to the metric system — a transition that, to this day, has yet to be fully completed.

Metric: inspired by revolution

Why metric makes sense

The metric housewife

 Metric: inspired by revolution

Thanks to the French Revolution, a new measurement system was born. (Radio; runs 7:54)

 Why metric makes sense

In 1963, a Toronto engineering professor says Canada should go metric. (Radio; runs 9:16)

 The metric housewife

Canada has just announced its official plans for going metric, and CBC's Matinee ponders what this means for Canadian homemakers. (Radio; runs 7:13)

An irreversible process

Is metric a communist plot?

'The great Canadian metric debate'

 An irreversible process

While Canada has already begun metrication, the U.S. is dragging its heels. Will this affect Canada's transition? (Radio; runs 9:33)

 Is metric a communist plot?

An American metric critic is waging a war against metric on political grounds. (Radio; runs 4:12)

 'The great Canadian metric debate'

90 Minutes Live features a light-hearted discussion on the pros and cons of going metric. (TV; runs 9:42)

Fired for opposing metric

Full-scale metric rebellion

MPs moonlight as gas jockeys

 Fired for opposing metric

Front Page Challenge talks to a former civil servant who lost his job for speaking out against the metric system. (TV; runs 10:10)

 Full-scale metric rebellion

Many Canadians are angry about mandatory metric, and say they aren't going to take it anymore. (TV; runs 9:53)

 MPs moonlight as gas jockeys

To protest mandatory metric, 37 Conservative MPs have opened up a gas station offering gasoline in gallons. (Radio; runs 8:44)

Knowing more than mom and dad

A Canadian compromise

 Knowing more than mom and dad

When it comes to metric, school children are better educated than their parents in 1983. (Radio; runs 4:03)

 A Canadian compromise

With the government's new 1985 metrication policy, metric remains mandatory while imperial is tolerated for certain industries. (TV; runs 4:04)


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