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Home > For Teachers > Rick Hansen: Man In Motion

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  • Rick Hansen: Man In Motion
    Rick Hansen’s Man in Motion World Tour has raised millions of dollars for spinal cord research and has done much to raise public awareness about the lives of people with disabilities. In these activities, students will have the opportunity to learn about Rick Hansen, the Man in Motion World Tour, and the legacy of Rick Hansen. They will learn about the magnitude of Hansen’s accomplishments, the obstacles he overcame to reach his goals, and the awards he has received for his accomplishments. They will have the opportunity to analyze the pros and cons of corporate sponsorship of medical research and the government’s responsibility in this area, and to create an original award to honour Rick Hansen.
    CBC Archives Topic: Rick Hansen: Man In Motion
    Exploring the topic in class:
    Introductory Activity
    All Grades
    Man in Motion World Tour
    To gain background knowledge about a person and an event
    Subject: English Language Arts, Social Studies
    Grades 6-8
    Tour Highlights
    To research locations linked to an event, to plot locations on a map
    Subject: English Language Arts, Geography

    Grades 6-8
    Awarding Rick Hansen
    To recognize that outstanding achievements can merit special recognition, to design an achievement award
    Subject: Social Studies, Visual Arts
    Grades 9-10
    Disabled but Not Defeated
    Find evidence to show how Rick Hansen met his goals
    Subject: English Language Arts
    Grades 11-12
    Corporate Sponsorship: Who Benefits?
    To understand and support an opinion about an issue
    Subject: English Language Arts, Political Science


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