

Weekly quiz

CBC News Online | October 27, 2006
Test your knowledge of weekly events in the world of news, business, sports and arts. 

1. The U.S. has banned imports of 37 fish species from Ontario and Quebec. Why?
A. The U.S. claims the provinces' fish industries are unfairly subsidized.
B. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says they could spread disease to the Great Lakes.
C. The ban is in retaliation for a Canadian ban on U.S. sheep.
D. Canada will not guarantee the fish are free of antibiotics
2. The Canadian Institute for Health Information says the number of hip and knee replacements is going up. Why?
A. Increasing obesity rates.
B. More adult Canadians are taking up knee-damaging sports such as running and hockey.
C. Waiting times for the procedures are down, allowing more procedures to be done.
D. A new type of material used to construct replacements makes the surgeries easier to perform.
3. A U.S. campaign ad for a Republican Senate candidate in Tennessee was recently pulled off the air. In the ad, a "man on the street" makes a comment about America's neighbours to the north. What did he say?
A. "Americans are crossing the border to get Canadian drugs. And those drugs might be dangerous."
B. "Let homosexual people move to Canada if they want to get married."
C. "Maybe Harold Ford has been smoking something from Canada, and I don't mean cigarettes."
D. "Canada can take care of North Korea, they're not busy."
4. People in Britain were scandalized recently by the unveiling of a new portrait of the Queen, in which even the artist admits:
A. The Queen looks like a turtle.
B. In the background is the wrong castle.
C. The Queen looks like a Cabbage Patch doll.
D. The Queen looks as if she has only one ear.
5. Hans Blix, the former head of the International Atomic Inspection Agency, called which international operation a "pure failure" this week?
A. The work of coalition forces in Afghanistan.
B. The war in Iraq.
C. The sanctions against North Korea.
D. The monitoring of the conflict in Darfur.
6. Canadian playwright and mathematician John Mighton has won the Siminovitch Prize and two Governor General's Awards for his plays. He is a math professor and has started a not-for-profit organization to teach math to kids. But he has also used another talent professionally. What else has he done?
A. Acted in the movie about a mathematical genius, Good Will Hunting.
B. Played the piano at Roy Thomson Hall.
C. Displayed his mathematically inspired paintings at a Toronto gallery.
D. Designed a clothing line for teenagers.
7. Recent accidents and reports have raised questions about the safety of riding in a school bus. How many children ride a school bus each day in Canada?
A. 60,000
B. 600,000
C. 3 million
D. 6 million
8. A recent investigation by the CBC's The Fifth Estate revealed that Ontario's 60,000 lottery ticket sellers have won prizes more often than is statistically likely — nearly 200 times in the past seven years. According to the statistician, what are the odds of the clerks winning as often as they do?
A. About one in a thousand.
B. About one in a million.
C. About one in a trillion.
D. About one in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion.
9. What is the fourth most common language spoken in Canada (after English, French, and Chinese)?
A. German
B. Punjabi
C. Italian
D. Cree
10. The Insurance Corporation of B.C. says car thefts are down dramatically in the province. What does it say is the reason for the drop?
A. A program that leaves specially equipped cars out as bait.
B. A decline in the price of used cars
C. The introduction of new vehicle security systems.
D. An increase of police foot patrols in high crime areas.