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BulletIndependent Officer

Jean-Pierre Soublière

Jean-Pierre Soublière

Jean-Pierre Soublière

Anderson Soublière Inc.

Pursuant to the adoption of CBC/Radio-Canada's Corporate Policy on Disclosure of Wrongdoings (the Whistleblower Policy), the Board of Directors appointed Jean-Pierre Soublière as Independent Officer, on April 1, 2005, with defined responsibilities under the Policy.

Mr. Soublière graduated from the University of Ottawa in 1967 with a Bachelor of Commerce degree; he received a Masters of Business Administration from the University of British Columbia in 1971.

Mr. Soublière is President of Anderson Soublière Inc., an executive-focused consulting corporation. From January 1997 to January 1999, Mr. Soublière was President and COO of Alis Technologies. Previously, during his 19 years with SHL Systemhouse, he was President of SHL Systemhouse Canada and International. Prior to joining SHL, Mr. Soublière worked for the federal Government, Carleton University and Northern Telecom. In addition, he was a part-time professor with Université du Québec en Outaouais.

In 1998, Mr. Soublière chaired the federal Government's Ad Hoc Industry Advisory Committee on Electronic Commerce. A past member of the Canadian E-Business Opportunities Roundtable, and of the GOL Advisory Committee to the President of the Treasury Board, Mr. Soublière also acted as Moderator during the Government of Canada's Innovation Summit for the Ottawa-Gatineau Region. As well, he was Advisor to the Auditor General on Management Reporting.

A very active player in the high technology sector as well as his community - the National Capital Region - Jean-Pierre Soublière is a member of a number of Councils and Boards, including the United Way of Canada (Past-Chair), the University of Ottawa, the Harmony Foundation (Chair), International DataCasting Corporation, Atomic Energy of Canada, Above Security, Provance Technologies (Chair), and the advisory board of Talent Map.

Mr. Soublière is currently leading a project to help optimize IT within independent health care organizations in Eastern Ontario, including the 19 hospitals, as well as home care, long-term chronic care, and primary care institutions.

Mr. Soublière is a past Board member of several organizations such as UniMedia Inc., Microstar Software Ltd., Simware Inc., Med-Eng Systems Inc., Positron Public Safety Systems Inc., E-Witness Inc, Nstein Technologies Inc., the City of Gatineau's Strategic Planning Committee, the Information Technology Association of Canada, the Canadian Advanced Technology Association, the Ottawa-Carleton Board of Trade, the Ottawa Health Research Institute, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, the Ottawa Hospital, and the Inter-American Development Bank's Industry Advisory Council.

In 1995, Mr. Soublière was named Business Person of the Year by the Ottawa-Carleton Board of Trade. In 1996, he received both the Prix d'Excellence from the Regroupement des gens d'affaires, and the President's Award as a volunteer for the United Way movement in Ottawa. In 1997, the University of Ottawa awarded him the Trudeau Medal. He was awarded the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002, and the Order of Ottawa for Economic Development in 2004.

Jean-Pierre Soublière is a member of the Rideau Club, the RGA, the Hunt Golf and Country Club, and the Five Lakes Fishing Club.


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