The boss and you

14:10:58 EDT Oct 28, 2006

(AP) - Bosses have more control over employee happiness than productivity - at least according to their staff, a recent survey found.

While 56 per cent of American workers said that their supervisors have a direct impact on their work-life happiness, less than half believe their bosses influence productivity.

Baby boomers were more likely to report that bosses had a strong impact on their daily lives than their Generation Y counterparts, and men were more likely than females to say that bosses directly affect their work performance.

Addeco North America, a work force solutions company, offers the following tips for managers and employees to improve relations:

-Chat it up: Don't rely on preconceived notions about each other. Get to know each at the office coffee maker or by the watercooler.

-Stay open-minded: Younger workers may want to try newer approaches, while older supervisors may prefer time-tested methods. Learn from each other and don't shut out each other's ideas.

-Two-way street: While managers are used to giving employee reviews, they should also encourage employees to offer feedback on their performance.

Addeco surveyed 573 employed adults by telephone in September.

© The Canadian Press, 2006