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CBC News Online brings news from Canada's public broadcaster to the Internet

Building on the strengths of CBC Radio and Television news, CBC News Online delivers a distinctly Canadian perspective on national and international news.

The news site is updated around the clock with the latest breakingnews. But it offers more than just the headlines. This web site also adds context to the major stories of the day through indepth background reports. To find out more read our faq.

As part of its commitment to providing the highest quality news coverage in Canada, CBC News Online offers its audience a variety of reports in addition to its up-to-the-minute Top News Stories and Headlines. The Indepth page provides extensive, detailed reporting on the most pressing issues of the day; in the Viewpoint section,'s esteemed columnists offer their personal take on a wide range of current events; and in the Health and Science, Business and Arts zones, News Online journalists deliver thoughtful, timely coverage of the breaking stories in their fields of expertise.


How do you select the top stories?

Often this is a simple process. When news breaks, we get the latest facts to the top of our site. Often, however, this process is not so simple. When there is no clear, breaking news to lead our site with, our editorial team looks at what the CBC's Radio and Television services are covering and guages which stories should be on the top of our site. This decision is made continuously throughout the day. Once a day our staff gathers at a meeting where each unit within CBC News Online outlines its story plans for the day.

Who writes all this stuff?

CBC News Online has a small, dedicated team of writers that works around the clock producing news for our web site. Our writers work with scripts from our Television and Radio services as well as wire services that provide additional information. Most of our writers and editors have worked in other parts of the CBC and a few have come to us directly from Canadian newspapers.

How often do you up-date the web site and wireless content?

Both the web site and our wireless service are updated continuously as events warrant. We are on alert for breaking news 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Can I use your report on my web site?

All of the content on our site is copyrighted and is the property of the CBC. Often, however, CBC News Online allows other sites to put our headlines on their web sites by subscribing to our Affiliates Program .

There are some conditions and one of them is that you contact us about it first.

To do that, email Bob Kerr, and he will handle your request.

How do I find a story in your archives?

Click on Search.