Outfront A photo of a microphone make radio your way, you voice, your story
Turning Your World on Its Ear A photo of an ear tell your story your way and get paid documentary...spoken word...music...poetry...experimental sound A photo of a globe
CBC Radio One

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Broadcast Time:

Outfront is heard
Monday to Wednesday at 8:43 p.m. (9:13 p.m. NT)
right after The Night Time Review

Same great radio adventures, except it's dark outside...

The Best of Outfront Podcast is now available. We will be featuring a different Outfront program every Wednesday.

You can also hear Outfront across North America on
Sirius Satellite Radio 137.

Outfront is where we hand you the microphone. You make a radio documentary, with our help. Then CBC plays it to the whole country -- and you'll even get paid! Check out our updated pitch guidelines and send us your idea.

Sign up for the Outfront Newsletter to get info about upcoming programs, news about the show, and contest giveaways.



Monday, October 30, 2006

Return To Home
Annie Barnes

Nearly 50 years ago, Annie Barnes was sent to live at the Victor home for Women in Toronto.
It was a home for pregnant unwed mothers. There she gave birth to her daughter - a daughter that she wouldn't see again for decades.
Now Annie is making the pilgrimage back. This time hand in hand with her daughter to gently close the door on distant memories.

Producer: Michael O'Halloran



Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Life and Death in a Chicken Coop
Max and Cindy Harasen

Max Harasen loves his pet rooster. Together, they peacefully watch over the hens. But one morning, the rooster decides Max is no longer welcome in the chicken coop. He charges Max with his claws bared. In that instant, Max learns that karate lessons can come in very handy for a seven-year-old boy.

Producer: Carma Jolly



Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Jim and Helen
Helen Drew & Jim Priebe

Initially Helen Drew felt she quite liked Jim Priebe. But then the teen years kicked in and the relationship with her stepfather became quite prickly. Recently, they’ve been trying to patch things up.

Producer: Laurence Stevenson


A CD of some of our best documentaries is now available from the CBC Shop. The CD is called Personally Speaking and it features five award-winning Outfront documentaries.

Get a 10% discount when you order online! When placing your order, enter the discount code Polly when you get to the field marked Coupon Redemption.

For more info or to order the CD

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