Permissions FAQ: Audio/Video Permissions

I am a university student and have come across a video clip on your website that I am hoping to use in a presentation. Is it possible for me to use it?
Unfortunately, we can’t give permission for this type of use without charging a sizeable licensing fee. However, you are welcome to create a link to the page on which the video clip resides on our website in your presentation, so that your fellow students may view our content.
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I’m writing for permission to web-host a copy of video clip from a Fifth Estate documentary. I have noticed this clip is available on file-sharing networks like E-Mule, but isn’t available on your website.
Unfortunately, we don’t allow web-hosting of any of our content. There are many rights and third-party rights issues surrounding video clips from the Fifth Estate, which have been cleared by CBC.ca for our use only. In future, if you find any video clips on CBC.ca that you wish to use, we recommend that you enable your site visitors to view this material by creating a link from your site to ours.
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I’d like to use parts of Metro Morning for classroom use. These audio clips would only be made accessible to students using my school’s password-protected site. Who should I contact to get permission?
These types of requests must be considered on an individual basis. Please submit a request through our online Permissions form.
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I’m a big music fan and run my own site devoted to this subject. Would it be OK for me to feature some audio clips from The National Playlist on my site? My visitors would love it!
Unfortunately, we can’t give you permission to use this material on your site. However, you are free to put a link from your site to The National Playlist page, so that your site’s visitors can access the clips on their own.
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