Permissions FAQ: General

Do I need permission to use CBC.ca content?
Yes. Any content (text, photos, interactives, graphs, audio and video) found on CBC.ca can only be reused elsewhere with the permission of CBC. Please read further for detailed information.
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Can we link to your site?
We encourage people to link to us. However, we ask that you read our Terms of Use, which outline the conditions by which external sites may link to ours.
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Can I use an interactive or graph from your site?
For copyright reasons, if you want to reuse an interactive or graph you found on CBC.ca, you need permission. To enquire further about the use of an interactive or graph, please submit a Permissions request.
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May we have a CBC logo to use on our site?
All requests to use the CBC logo must be reviewed on an individual basis. To enquire further about use of the CBC logo, please submit a Permissions request.
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I have found an example of misuse of CBC.ca content. Who should I contact?
If you encounter any use of CBC.ca material that you think is inappropriate, please write to us to Report Content Misuse.
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My specific rights and permissions question is not covered in any of the FAQ on this page. Is there somewhere else I should look?
If you have further questions regarding rights and permissions, please submit your question through our online Permissions form. If you have general questions about CBC or CBC.ca, please submit your question through CBC.ca’s Contact Us form.
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