CBC News

Recent photo galleries

Archived galleries

A - C

Academy Awards 2006
After the Killing Fields
Afghanistan 1
Afghanistan: Canadians on the ground
Afghanistan: Canadian soldiers capture Taliban suspects
Afghanistan: On patrol in Kabul
Afghanistan: Kabul, Feb. 2004
Afghanistan: Reporting from Kandahar
Afghanistan: Stephen Harper arrives
Afghanistan: Stephen Harper tours Kandahar
Afghanistan: Mountain Thrust
Afghanistan: Operation Medusa
Afghan offensive
Afghanistan: The road to Martello
Afghan Patrols
AIDS protest
AIDS at 25
AIDS 2006 conference opening
AIDS 2006 arts events
AIDS 2006 Time to deliver
Air France Flight 358: Plane wreckage
Air France Flight 358: Your Photos
Air France Flight 358: Aug. 3 gallery
Air France Flight 358: Aug. 2 gallery
Air India
Air India verdict
Air India: Irish memorial
Alberta floods
Amman bombings
Arafat, Yasser
Arafat, Yasser: Mourning
Asian storms
Auschwitz anniversary
B.C. Ferry crash
B.C. flooding
B.C. mud slide
Beatles anniversary
Berton, Pierre
Beslan siege 1
Beslan siege 2
Beslan: Russia mourns
Bird Flu
Tony Blair prepares to leave
Bomb plot raid
Bomb plot - court appearance
Marlon Brando
Bush, George W. in Canada
Caledonia standoff
California Fires
Cambodia: Hostage Siege
Canada: Federal Election 2004
Canada Votes: The fall
Canada Votes: Campaign week 1
Canada Votes: Campaign week 2
Canada Votes: Campaign week 3
Canada Votes: Campaign week 4
Canada Votes: Campaign week 5
Canada Votes: Campaign week 6
Canada Votes: Campaign week 7
Canada Votes: Campaign week 8
Voting Day
Canadian Forces: Inside HMCS Chicoutimi
Canadian Forces: HMCS Chicoutimi
Canadian Memorial: Vimy
Canadian Weddings
Canadians in Kandahar
Carson, Johnny
Champlain Anniversary
Charles and Camilla
Chretien, Jean
Congo Election

D - M

Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama in Toronto
DART in Pakistan
Dawson College: Chaos on campus
Dawson College: Montreal mourns
Dawson College: Mourning, moving on
Driven to Create
Election night, Canadian federal 2006
Erie Crash
Ethiopia famine
Euro 2004: Greece wins preliminary
Euro 2004: The final day
Fall colours
Fatal bus crash
Fisher Paintings
Floods, U.S. Northeast
Fort Ross
Fossett, Steve
France protest
France riots
Galileo spacecraft
Gay marriage ruling
Governor General Michaëlle Jean: A year in office
Governor General in Haiti
Haiti Election week
Haiti: 2004 floods
Haiti: After the hurricane
Haiti: Gonaives
Hurricane Charley
Hurricane Dennis
Hurricane Isabel
Hurricane Ivan
Hurricane Juan
Hussein, Saddam
Hussein, Saddam: Timeline
Indonesia quake 2005
Indonesia earthquake
Indonesia quake villages
Iran Earthquake
Iraq: America mourns
Iraq: Dangerous days
Iraq: prison abuse
Juno Beach
Katrina: A year in the Gulf
Katrina:The Lower Ninth Ward Waits
King, Coretta Scott
Lebanon » Canadian evacuees arrive home from Lebanon
Lemieux, Mario
London Bombing: July 7 attack
London Bombing: July 7 (Multimedia)
London Bombing: The day after
London Bombing: Silence for London
London Bombing: July 21 attack
London Bombing: July 21 suspects
A Lost World
Manitoba tornado
Maple leaf Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras (Canadian musicians)
Mars Rover Missions
Mars (Opportunity)
Martin, Paul; resignation
Memorial at Ground Zero
Memorial: Tribute to those missing in action
Mexico election
Middle East
Middle East crisis » Brink of war
Middle East crisis » Canadian evacuees arrive home from Lebanon
Middle East crisis » Canadians head to safety
Middle East crisis » Children of war
Middle East crisis » Escalating tension
Middle East crisis » Faces of conflict
Getting out
Middle East crisis » week of conflict
Miller, Arthur
Mona Lisa: A Scientific Investigation
Mount St. Helens
Moussaoui: Evidence photos
Mumbai, slums of

N - Z

Naval funeral
New Year 2004
North Korea:Train disaster
Northwest Passage
Okanagan Fire
Olympics 2006: Canadian women hockey team
Olympics 2006: Closing ceremony
Oscar night
Pakistan quake aftermath
Pakistan quake recovery
Paris riots
Pirate attack
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope John Paul II: funeral
Pope John Paul II: life and times
Pope: Pilgrims bid farewell
Pope: World Youth Day 2002
Pope: Prayers around the world
Pope: Prayers in Canada
Pope: Toronto mass
Pope: A parish prays
Power Outage
Presidential inaugurations
Prince Philip
Prince Rainier III
Prisoners' art
Queen at 80
RCMP Shootings
RCMP Shootings: Vigils
RCMP Shootings: Funerals
RCMP Shootings: Memorial
Remembrance Day 2003
Remembrance Day US
Rogers, Shelagh; shaves for cancer
Ronald Reagan
Rio » favelas
Royal visit, May 18, 2005
Royal visit, May 19, 2005
Royal wedding, Prince Charles and Camilla
San Francisco earthquake 1906
Saskatchewan Storm 2004
September 11: Remembering 9/11
September 11, 2004: 9/11 Memorial
September 11: Five years later
Shuttle Atlantis: Mission to the space station
Shuttle Discovery
Shuttle Discovery: Return to flight
Ernest (Smokey) Smith
Snowbird Funeral
Spain Explosions
Spain Protest
Sports » Competitive coifs
The speech from the throne 2006
Spring Migration
Stanfield, Robert
Stronach, Belinda
Summer festivals 2006
Tallest towers
Technology: The latest gadgets
Tehran air disaster
Toilet museum in India
Toronto Argonauts Grey Cup Parade
Toronto Rocks
Toronto shooting memorial
Toronto theatre collapse
Toronto transit shutdown
Toy Fair 2004
Tsunami: Banda Aceh rebuilds
Ukraine's orange revolution
U.S. presidents in Canada
VE-Day celebrations
Veterans, Aboriginal
Veterans, Missing in action tribute
Vote of confidence
War art
World Youth Day 2002
Worldwide Pride '06