National Gallery of Canada - Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
Thursdays at 12:15 pm
Talks feature a work from the permanent collection. Meet in the Great Hall. Free with Gallery admission.

5 and 12 October
“Jacques Louis David (1748–1825), Saint Jerome, 1780” by Ann Finlay-Murchison

19 and 26 October
“Barthel Beham (1502–40), Portrait of a Bavarian Prince, c. 1531” by Rose Ann Hoffenberg

2 and 9 November
“Paul Nash (1889–1946), Void, 1918” by Lena Creedy

16 and 23 November
“Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), The Dream of Belinda (from the Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope), c. 1780–90” by Jenny Ross

30 November and 7 December
“William Harnett (1848–92), Mallard Drake Hanging, 1883” by Mary Nash